Mobile Suits

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Name: BustPak (Buster Package)
Unit Type: Heavy Aerial Assault Package
Propulsion: Plasma Thrusters; Vectoring Thrusters: Output: 2 x 65,000 kg, 6 x 30,000 kg; Total Added: 310,000 kg
Armor: Adds Direct-Reflect Anti-beam Armor Plates: 1 Decimeter
Fixed Armaments: 1 x 580 mm Hyper Impulse Cannon (Back Mount Over Shoulder); 1 x 120 mm Particle Accelerated Ion Discharge Rifle (Right Arm Mount); 2 x 180 mm Variable Speed Plasma Rifle (Waist Mount); 2 x Beam Saber (Inner Arm Store); 1 x Buster Shield w/ A-SPS Projector 1 x 580 mm Hyper Impulse Cannon, pack mount, deployed over right shoulder; 1 x 120 mm Particle Accelerated Ion Discharge Rifle, pack store, mounted over right arm in use; 2 x 180 mm Variable Speed Plasma Rifle, waist mount, deployed in use; 2 x Beam Saber, inner arm store, hand carried in use; 1 x Buster Shield w/ A-SPS Projector, left arm mount, hand carried in use
Optional Hardpoint Armaments: None
Compatible Suits: High Templar Mk. I

Background: This Striker Pack is specific only to the Comand type Templar, High Templar. It is a high maneuverability, heavy assault pack, meant to cause massive damage from the skies. It lacks the maneuverability of the HiPak and AirPak packages but makes up for it with a special type of armor plating that is attached to the MS, which reflects enemy beam attacks back towards them. Of course, this plating isnt total coverage, so sometimes beams do slip through.


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