The Entire Text of what was our first and probably our last "Trivia Focus"

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Hello, this is John Kwam with ninety eff-emm, would you like to do a Trivia Focus?
Sure, why not.

What is your team name?
Our team name is "Never Trust a Baby with a Mustache".

And why is that?
Uh, it's 'cause you shouldn't trust a, uh ... baby with a mustache, and we just want to get the word out, let everyone know that.

And what is your team mascot then?
Our team mascot, we have a, uh, little baby ... uh, dressed up in a, uh, blue track suit.

Well where did you find a baby?
Uh ... I don't actually know. Let's go with coach.

Where do you think Oz and Eck get trivia questions from?
Uh, I think they, uh, probably get them from cereal boxes, 'cause you can't touch the mango.

And do you have any trivia rituals?
Our ... I guess our ritual is, we, we came up with great, uh, inventions, and our new invention this year is Jim's Ear Paste.

And what does it do?
Um, it helps you with all of your ... ear problems that you might have, 'cause you can't touch the mango.

Okay! What is your team song?
The Magnum pee-eye theme song.

Would you guys like to sing it?
Nobody knows how it goes.

Well that's a great theme song for you then. And, do you believe in global warming?
Um ... no I do not.

And why is that?
Um ... I just don't, it just doesn't seem like it's real ... I think it's, uh, somethin' made up.

Thank you for answering my questions, and good luck this weekend!
You have a good night.

You too!
Thank you.


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90fm Trivia 39 (April 11-14, 2008) starts in exactly last updated April 24, 2007.
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