Of Life in Gush Katif -
Scene 3
[In the house.  Announcement of "Disengagement Plan"]

Father:  "Quiet everyone.  I want to hear the news."

Mother: "Why?  Did something special happen today?"

Father: "Everyday something special happens.  But this morning at work I heard a rumor."

Tamar: "Father, what was the rumor?"

Father: "Something dreadful.  No, I won't even repeat it � in the hopes that it isn't true.  In fact, I'm almost sure that it isn't true.  But I want to be 100% sure."

Tamar: "Father, you're scaring me!  Was there a suicide bombing?  A drive by shooting?  A roadside bomb?  A---"

Father: "Heaven forbid!!"

Mother: "Shush.  It's 6:15.  Quiet now.  The news is on."

[Female reporter sitting at desk]

Reporter: "Good evening and welcome to I.B.N. news broadcasting in Jerusalem.  In the headlines, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon announced his intention in a cabinet meeting this morning of unilaterally withdrawing from the Gaza Strip."

Tamar: "What?!"

Mother & Father: "Hush!"

Reporter: �"Some 8,000 Jewish Israeli citizens live in the Gaza Strip in a cluster of 21 communities known as 'Gush Katif'. [Pauses]  I.B.N. correspondent, David Levi, brings us more.

Reporter David Levy: "Yes, Anat.  In Gush Katif's 21 communities live about 8,000 Jews.  These communities are mostly agricultural and bring in a large percent of the money the country makes by exporting vegetables, spices and flowers year round to Europe.  They also sell their bug-free produce locally in Israel.  I interviewed Shlomo Avrahami, a member of the Gush Katif regional counsel:

The family leans closer to the TV.

Shlomo Avrahami: "I am Shocked!  How can a Jewish government throw 8,000 Jews from their homes, from their lands, from their communities?!  How can they imitate the same monstrous actions done by every land in which Jews lived while they were exiled?!  How dare a Jewish government- - "

[Interrupted by the reporter]

Reporter David Levi: " Meanwhile, in near by K'han Yunis, Yusef Abu-Goshen doesn't think Sharon is serious:"

Yusef Abu-Goshen: "Eet is all a big lie!  The Isra-aeli prime minister will not wreally do eet!  We do not believe eet will happen!"

Reporter David Levi: "Back to you, Anat."

[Father turns the TV. off]

Tamar: "Well, Father.  I guess the rumor has turned out to be true after all."
[Gets up and leaves the room very quickly]

Mother: "Oh my goodness!  Oh my goodness!  Is Sharon crazy?!  Isn't there any way to stop this plan?!"

Father: "There MUST be a way!  With Hashem's help we'll stop this plan!"
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