Of Life in Gush Katif -
Scene 4
[In the city.  In an apartment building.  Father, mother, Tamar and friend Rachel have joined the effort of 'face to face'; trying to convince Likud members to vote against the "Disengagement Plan" in the upcoming Likud referendum]

Mother: "O.K. everyone, let's split up.  Tamar and Rachel are one group and father and I are another group."

Tamar: "How will we know where to go?"

Father: "Here is a list of twenty families.  In each of these families at least one of the family members is a Likud member.  See [he shows her a list], here it says the name, the surname, the address and the phone number."

Tamar: "Oh, cool!"

Rachel: "Where did we get those lists from?"

Father: [grins] "Top secret.  We aren't supposed to have them, but someone in the Likud is on our side and decided to help us.  However, these lists might not be so accurate � they're a bit old."

Tamar: "Let's get started!"

[Tamar & Rachel knock on door]

Elderly man: "Who's there?"

Tamar and Rachel stutter and finally Tamar answers:

Tamar: "We're teenagers from Gush Katif.  We'd like to talk to you, please."

Elderly man opens the door.

Elderly man: "Hello, what do you young ladies want?"  [Spoken gruffly]

Tamar: "Um, We're from Gush Katif.  Are you Mr. Ya'acov Dahan?"

Elderly man: "Yes I am.  Why?"

Tamar: "You're on our list as being a Likud member."

Mr. Dahan looks like he's about to speak, but changes his mind

Rachel: "You see, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has decided to hold a Likud referendum on his "Disengagement plan" and we would like you to vote against Disengagement!"

Old Mr. Dahan: "Won't you two come in?" They enter and sit perched upright on two chairs.
"You've come all the way from Gush Katif?  Here, have a drink." Offers them some water and lifts a pile of newspapers from off the table

Tamar: "So, um, are you for or against Disengagement?"

Old Mr. Dahan: "I think the Disengagement plan is terrible, terrible!  Why, when I was a soldier much younger and handsomer than I am now, let me see�yes, back in 1967�"

Tamar & Rachel: "you mean the six day war!"

Old Mr. Dahan: "Very good.  Nods approvingly.  Yes, back in 1967, I was one of the soldiers that helped free the Gaza Strip.  Why, my commander had been born in Gaza � his family had lived there for several generations."

Rachel: "What?  Lived in Gaza?!"

Old Mr. Dahan: "Yes, indeed.  Lived there until 1929.  Then the Arabs rioted all over the country; in Hevron, in Tsfat and also in Gaza."

Tamar: "Yes, we learned about the 1929 riots in history class this year."

Old Mr. Dahan: "Well, the Jews of Gaza were not like the Jews of Hevron.  The Jews of Hevron didn't believe that their friendly Arab neighbors would rise against them.  So they didn't prepare and actually refused to let the Hagana send men and arms.  And [he says sadly] 59 Jews were slaughtered in Hevron.  But in Gaza - -"

Tamar: "yes?"

Old Mr. Dahan:" In Gaza the Jews defended themselves!"

Rachel: "So how come there weren't any Jews in Gaza at the time that Gush Katif was started?"

Old Mr. Dahan: "Because in 1929, after the British saw that the Jews in Gaza were defending themselves, the British forced the Jews to leave Gaza!  And only in 1967 did Israel reconquer it."

Tamar: "Wow!  Well, Mr. Dahan, can we trust you to vote against the Disengagement Plan?"  asks pleadingly, smiling.

Old Mr. Dahan: "You bet!  Me help Sharon give away land that we fought for?!  Land that is ours?!  And let the murdering Arabs have t?!  No way!"

Tamar & Rachel: "Good!"

Rachel: "We've brought you some cherry tomatoes from Gush Katif hot houses, and this disk which shows a short video of Gush Katif."  Hands him package of cherry tomatoes and a disk.

Tamar: "And, Mr. Dahan, could you please check if this is the right phone number we have written down?"

Old Mr. Dahan: "Let me see. [Tamar hands him the list]  yes, that's it.  [He hands the list back]

Tamar: "Good.  Then we'll be in touch with you, grins impishly, just to make sure you don't change your mind."

Old Mr. Dahan: "Don't worry.  I won't.  By the way, what are your names?  Which communities are you from?"

Tamar: "I'm Tamar, and this is Rachel and we are both from Neve Dekalim."

Old Mr. Dahan:"I'm very pleased to have met you two. Walks them to the door.  You are both very different from my teenage grandchildren.  They just party and shop all the time."

Tamar: "We're regular teenagers too, but right now we're fighting for our homes and our land!"
Turns to Rachel:
"Please check, what is the next address?"

*****        DANCE:  of girls, mothers, fathers etc in orange shirts vrs old men, young women- all types of people and in the end of the dance nearly everyone is wearing an orange shirt******
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