
Everything you wanted to know about this website but were afraid to ask�

What is this site?

Why is it here?

Why did you choose this subject?

I don�t understand the words you�re using!

How Can I Learn More?

I�m offended! How do I complain?

This site is amazing! How do I praise it to the skies?

Oi! One of My Pictures/A Link to my site is Being Used without my permission! What Should I do?

I can�t access something on the site. Why not?

I keep getting lost�how do I get back to the main page?

This looks like hard work, Neveah. Surely you had problems�.?

Why are you called Neveah?

What is this site?


���� This whole site is my Independent Study for my Third Year at Sussex University. It is the results of my research into �The First World War and Comedy�.

Why is it here?

����� I decided to create a website because it seemed to be the best way to represent this project. The original submission calls for an 8000 word essay at the end of a whole years work. As the diverse nature of the site shows, this seemed to me to be insufficient in presenting such a broad and varied subject. I also felt that an essay was an uninspiring way to demonstrate such an interactive subject.

What�s so different about this website, then?

���� I�ve tried to make the site as interactive and interesting as possible because I feel very strongly that everyone should benefit from a project like this. So you can really get involved with this site instead of merely trying to plough through a dusty essay.

I don�t understand the words you�re using!

Robbed by a RAMC? Exhausted in an Estaminet? Troubled by a Tommy or Bombarded by Big Bertha? Go to the Dugout Dictionary for a proper parlez-vous!

How Can I Learn More?

Look at the links page or the bibliography. There�s loads of stuff to do on the web and just as many books to read.If you don�t know where to start, my personal recommendations are http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.ukif you want to do some surfing, and Terry Deary�s The Frightful First World War for reading.

I�m offended! How do I complain?

I�m aware that people might find this site offensive. This is not the intention! I must stress that the ultimate aim of comedy is to diffuse stress and fear, not to glorify war or deride the men who fought in any way.

���� If you really do want to complain, mail me at [email protected] . Alternatively, post your comments on the �News From the Front� Message Board (Click here). Reasonable criticism will be addressed personally by me.

This site is amazing! How do I praise it to the skies?

Tell everyone! The more people that visit the site, the more there is to discuss! Put your comments on the message boards here, and most importantly, recruit new conscripts by sending them postcards here.

Oi! One of My Pictures/A Link to my site is Being Used without my permission! What Should I do?

����� I have asked as many people as possible for permission, but am aware that some things may have been overlooked. Currently, if I do not receive a mail form you after two weeks of sending the post, I�m taking that to mean you don�t mind me using your stuff. Mail me at [email protected] if you wish anything to be removed, or even better, if you have anything to add.

I can�t access something on the site. Why not?

It might be that you don�t have the right program. Some pages use Quicktime (video) or Flash (sounds). Download them from here. I have tried to make the art quick-loading, but sometimes it may take time if your computer�s a bit slow. Be patient!

If you find a problem, even if it's just that my punctuation is so bad you can't understand the text, mail me or put a message on the message board. At present I am troubleshooting the site, so any comments like this will be greatly appreciated.

The site is very much work in progress. Sometimes you may be unable to access things because I am working on the site, or sometimes I may not have completed them.

����� If you have a persistent problem, mail me at [email protected] and I will look into it.

I keep getting lost�how do I get back to the main page?

At the bottom of every page, there should be a picture of a soldier. When you put the mouse over him, he changes - clever, huh! Even better, by clicking on this picture, you return to the main war page

This looks like hard work, Neveah. Surely you had problems�.?

Weeeellll�.my computer broke down over Christmas, and although it galls me to say it, a lot of the work since has been significantly slowed down. Also, there have been things that I have been unable to do as a result of this � there are a lot fewer interactive aspects than I wanted, and it hasn�t been possible to increase my HTML skills as much as I would have liked. However, although this may not have been remedied by the time of the submission, I will update the site frequently after this point and hope to expand the site over time�.

Why are you called Neveah?

Not telling.

Would you like to gush over people who have helped with this site?

Thanks, I�d love to. Click here to read the list of people who have helped with the site and who have allowed me to use pictures, sounds, links or information as part of this site.

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