About NeuroTech: NeuroTech is new team wishing to compete in Robocup 2009 which will be held in Graz,Austria. Our team consists of three Members, naming:

      1)A.N.M.Moinul Hossain (Team Leader), Electrical & Electronic Engineering                                                                         (4th year) AIUB, Bangladesh.

      2) Munira Hossain
      3) AN.M.Muntasir Hossain

                           We are self funded. But we expect fundings in near future after qualifying Robocup 2009. Building of this webpage is not complete yet, we think, we'll do it soon enough.

Links to Discussions:
1) Mechanical Desing of the Robot
2) Electrical Desing of the Robot
3) Programming Language
4) Perception & Behaviour
Link to robocup2009:
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