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The City of Kaktovik is a village on the North Slope of Alaska of approximately 300 inhabitants, of which over two thirds are Native American.  The village's name (Kaktovik) means 'the seining place' in Inupiat, referring to its traditional status as a fishing and trading town. It is situated on Barter Island - so named for the bartering between Inuit and Inupiat communities which used to take place there.

Barter Island
The island is surrounded on the North by the sea and to the East, South and West by coastal lagoons, which are home to geese and other wildfowl. Bruce uses a motor boat to navigate the lagoons and sea, sometimes travelling hundreds of miles - he is an able seaman.

A runway, which receives daily flights (except Sundays) from Fairbanks airport is located next to the village; Frontier Flying Service flights depart from Fairbanks (FAI) at 0845, with a return flight at 1630. For further details of flights, please visit the Frontier Flying Service website or the Fairbanks International Airport site.

Kaktovik is located within the Arctic Circle and, as such, has a climate of extremes, with temperatures moderated slightly by the sea. Record temperatures range from 35C (95F) in September to -45C (-43C) in March.  However, the average temperature from June through to mid September is constantly above freezing point. Late summer is the best time of year to experience ANWR, in terms of the weather, though provided you have access to suitable cold-weather clothing, Kaktovik and its surroundings are beautiful under the cover of snow for the rest of the year.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1960 and expanded in 1980. It is an area of wilderness protected to a large extent from human activities (though under threat from oil drilling). It contains much diversity of wildlife in an area larger than any of the 10 smallest US states. More information can be found here in the relevant Wikipedia article.

Getting Around
Bruce may hire vehicles, use skidoos or use his boat to transport you around Kaktovik and its surroundings. He is currently negotiating the purchase of a 21 foot boat which can be used when the sea ice has melted from early summer to mid September or even mid October depending on the weather.

polar bear



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