Re: some questions for acw


From: John O'Regan
Date: Fri 23 Jul 1999 - 21:27:58 IST

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Allan C. Weisbecker wrote:

I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you might have, either about the book or about me -- rumors of my secretiveness are greatly exaggerated.

Dear Allan,

Well, I was expecting a tidal wave of traffic on this list when you made that generous offer, but it seems everyone has turned shy all of a sudden or else they're writing to you individually. Anyway, I've a few questions for you:

I've heard rumours that Cosmic Banditos has nearly been made into a film on several occasions, but that negotiations always broke down because you refused to compromise on your preconditions for signing away the film rights. How true is this? Where was it that things always came unstuck? And if CB ever were to be made into a film, who would you like to star in it? I always imagined Raul Julia as Jose, but alas, Raul is no longer with us.

Second, your pal Steve told me that the Men's Journal published an article about you last September. Unfortunately, I have not as yet been able to obtain a copy, but that's another story. Why did they focus on you? How did they ever get to hear of you in the first place? No offence, but you're pretty obscure. There's also an article by you in the current edition of the Surfer's Journal. Have there been any other articles about/by you published?

And speaking of publications, can you tell me a bit more about your new book, In Search of Captain Zero? Is it a sequel to Cosmic Banditos? Is it too about quantum physics, excessive drug-taking and loud explosions in confined spaces or is it something completely different? Will it be coming out in hardback and how do I obtain a signed copy?

In trying to secure copies of the book for publishers, I also found out how valuable the damn thing is: this guy at a used book store in L.A. also quoted me 100 bucks. Without telling him who I was, I got into an amusing conversation with the fellow about why it's going for so much. At one point he conspiratorily tells me that "the rumor is that A. C. Weisbecker doesn't exist." This came as a bit of shock to both myself and my mother, but an explanation was forthcoming: "Thomas Pynchon wrote it,'" he assured me.

I tried to read Gravity's Rainbow once. I had to give up. He obviously had delusions he was James Joyce with his stream-of-consciousness narrative. That and his fondness for the word palempsest. It was his first book. He was young. He was trying too hard. I hear his later work is more accessible. But it's too late for me, the damage is done.

But I digress... I meant to ask you why it's been so long between books. Where have you been? Hiding out from the Federales in the Colombian mountains? I heard you did some scriptwriting for Miami Vice and Crime Story. How did you like working in TV? And lastly, what do you plan to do after your new book comes out? What is your next poject?

Phew! I hope I didn't overwhelm you with all those questions, but I thought I'd better get them in before you disappear again for God knows how long. If you're ever in my neck of the woods (Cork, Ireland) on a book tour or whatever, I'll buy you a pint of the black stuff,



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