In Ireland - Page 2
At School
In the Snow
New Year's Eve
New and Old Friends
Departure from Basel
Other Pics
Holidays in Italy
Ireland 1
Fun Page
Barberstown Castle Hotel
Above the Hotel and Castle where I used to work from October 2002 until the end of 2005.
Left a map to show you that the hotel (red star) is in the middle of nowhere, about 40 minutes bus drive from Dublin, in the County  called Kildare.
In the castle Restaurant and - left -  below the head of a huge moose. (Yes, my hair is growing again, I should actually cut them again, Lung said)
Waiting for the guests to come for dinner
At the seaside in Howth, some ten miles north of Dublin and close to the airport. Went there to buy fresh seafood
It's damn cold so close to the sea in Howth
My Hotel is a Castle
With Norigine and Arlene, two of my colleagues, in  the back office of the Hotel Restaurant
In front of Trim Castle, the largest Anglo-Norman castle in Ireland, constructed between 1172 and 1220
With - from left top right - David, Arlene, Joe and Liz, all colleagues of mine at the Hotel
A little break while preparing the table napkins
in the Hotel Restaurant 
In Dublin
Near Malahide Castle
In front of Malahide Castle, 9 miles north of Dublin
Ireland 2
Ireland 3
Ireland 4
Ireland 5
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