In 1280, 10 of the 13 territories demanded the right to self-government. Wishing no bloodshed or fighting, King Magnolia agreed to the mutually benifishal proposal, which also guaranteed that his native lands would be safe from other colonial powers which may have annexed the native lands, killed him, or worse.

By 1300, the native population in the west was in dire need of resources owned by settlers, so the King had little choice but to "unite" the country. The King found a non-violent solution, and created a democratically elected government, keeping some powers for himself.

On May 10th, 1303, 191 delegates gathered in Buena Vista, Pacifica, to create the new constitution.

With the help of the King, and delegate leader Alexander Colt, the constitution was created quickly and easily without a lot of bickering between the native delegates and the settlers.

The constitution called for 13 provinces (Mayne, Penalia, Balthia, Arcanda, Cerillia, Dover, Lithia, Tapioca, Gardenia, Oceana, Nebraska, Pacifica and Atlantica), 9 territories (Beryllia, Genosis, Concordia, Eternia, Etheria, New Karaway, North Corona, South Corona and Comca), and the rest kept as "indiginous" space for natives peoples, all enclosed within modern, present-day boundries.


Someone, it was decided, had to lead the new country. So they found someone who was popular among the people and had the strength to lead the country during it's first few years. Alexander Colt, delegate leader, was elected by a 182-9 margin, to become the first Prime Minister of Neptunia.

May 13 is called "Constitution Day," in that that was the day the constitution was ratified (May 13th 1303). On this day, everyone celebrates Neptunia just as most countries have their "Day." It is an official holiday.

Other holidays are Easter (first Sunday after the next full moon after first full moon in March which may fall in March or April); Christmas (December 25); Labour Day (first Monday in september); Monarchs Day (third Monday in July); Prime Ministers Day (Last Monday in February); Memorial Day (a day to remember the fallen of terror attacks and wars, as well as the day WWI ended, May 29th; Armistice Day, the day WW2 ended, August 17th.

The southern boundry was made official by the Zar-Tune treaty with L�Zardya in 1306. Other treaties were signed with bordering countries in 1312, 1319, and 1326.

In 1313, 5 territories became provinces: Beryllia, Genosis, Concordia, Eternia and Etheria. At the same time, most of the country was divided up into territories; only 19% of the country remained as "Indiginous" space.


That same year, Francisco Magnolia V died. His daughter, Hermione Magnolia, became the Queen (a province was latter named after her). She was only 16, and stayed queen for 90 years until her death in 1403 at the age of 105.

In 1321, there was a deadly train crash that killed 167 people, including all but two of Ludlow Rangers of the Neptunian Football league. While passing near Syrus, Cerillia, the train hit a tree that had fallen onto the tracks and plummeted down an embankment. Only 27 people survived.

One of the Prime Minister's last official acts in 1323 was to pass a law protecting the Great Kia Reef, a coral reef off the south-east coast of Neptunia. It was his last act because the Prime Minister of Neptunia, Alan Celica, was shot by an assasin during a speech at a park in Monterray, Atlantica, on December 16th, 1323. the bullet hit him square in the chest. He made a full recovery, though.

Two months later, at a political rally for his political party, he collapsed and was rushed to hospital where he died only a few hours later from an infection that developed from the gun shot.

1326 brought the first war in Neptunia�s history. Sorento, a country to the north of Neptunia wanted the border of Neptunia changed to allow it to control a mineral mine in a valley half in Neptunia, half in Sorento. Although this was acceptable to the Neptunian government at the time, Sorento went ahead and mined in Neptunia before they formally said OK. War broke out between the two countries, but only lasted 200 days. It was nick-named the "bi-centenial" war. A treaty was signed, and the border was agreed upon. Only 96 Neptunians died in the war; 100 Sorentans died.

In 1327, four more territories became provinces: New Karaway, North Corona, South Corona and Comca. Comca�s name was later changed to Celica in 1328. It was named after Prime Minister Alan Celica, who was assasinated in 1315. He had been born in a villiage in this very province, albeit before it was even a territory. Alan Celica was one of the most popular political figures in the provinces history. When it came to referendum on the issue of wether the name COMCA should be changed to CELICA, the vote was 83% YES, 17% NO.


This was also the year of the radical reforms by the government. The party in power at the time was the Liberals, and they decided that all citizens had to have several essentials for living: food, water, shelter, medical aid, and a steady job. So, the government proposed that all citizens be guaranteed these essentials.

The Liberals made room in the budget to pay for allmost all of these essentails. Citizens cheered these reforms. The government would now have food available for all citizens; homes for the home-less were made available, and all home-less people were given a job. Medical aid was guaranteed for each citizen: $3500 per year for everyone under 18 years (this was to be deducted from a �swipe� card that contained the money. It was to be used on medicine, docotors trips, and other such things, not including dental work.) Adults were given $2000, and up to one week off work, paid, for "sick" days throughout the year. If, though, someone was sick more than two weeks straight, the five "sick" days were not deducted, but pay was given for everyday after two weeks that an individual was sick. And, for those who couldn�t afford it, food was given out by another "swipe" card. People with low incomes could apply for a $400 dollar-a-month card that allowed them to buy food, toiletries, and cleansers.

Aside from the fact that these reforms cost the government $6.89 billion that first year was no slight on the actual programs, which became know as "The Life Reforms". The "Life Reforms" actually saved over 1,100 lives in that first year.

By 1333, the programs had cost the government $80 billion, but had saved over 6,000 lives �people who would have died if not for the reforms.

That same year, Petronia was granted passage into the country of Neptunia.


Neptunia joined a 19 member international council, in 1335, called "The United Nations." Much like our own "U.N.", it was formed to bring countries together, to make peaceful resolutions on international problems. One of it�s first objectives was to save the Great Kia Reef, which was already protected by Neptunia law. By 1350, 89 coutries had joined the U.N., and by 1371 all but three of the 118 countries on the planet were in.

1335 also brought a "Charter of Human rights" which entitled Neptunia to allow media freedom, speech freedom, freedom of religeon, freedom to travel, and other such freedoms; all of which were already guaranteed by the Neptunian government.

In creating the U.N., a "security council" was set up. Much like ours, it had seven members: Neptunia, Zalia (Large country in northern Atlantis), Kenysia (somewhat large country on the south-west coast of Kia), Pryxar (large country in south-central Iridia), Corillia, Kemano and Antila (Southern-most and biggest country on Neo Terra.)


Three territories wanted to become provinces this year, 1337: Polonia, Radium, and Dakota. All three had one big problem, though: all three did not recognize the government sitting. Finally, after much squabling and name calling, Polonia and Radium were admitted. (Dakota, though, would not be admitted untill 1353, with Miranda.)

For years, since the country was formed, the government had sat in Buena Vista, in Pacifica. But that was not to be any longer. In march of 1339, a ship carrying, among other things, ammunition and military weapons, blew up in Buena Vista harbour. The city was leveled by the explosion and subsiquent fire.


So, the government set up a "Federal District" in the west; a conglomerate of several territories and provinces. Neptunia City F.D. (Federal District) was open for business. Many people tried to move there, but only so much was allowed at first, but now the city allows free immigration and emmigration. Presently, it has almost 3,000,000 people in it.

The Memorial reads as follows: "Jackson T. Messina: loved by all, hated by many." While walking home with his wife one night, he was shot and killed by a mental patient who thought he was a 12-point deer. (It�s really not funny. The man was very sick.)

Jackson Messina was the Prime Minister of Neptunia at the time in march of 1340. He was a member of the Reform party, but the party in power at the time was the Party Rhinocerous. He was 46 years old. It was the second assasination of a Prime Minister ever in Neptunia�s history. The man was arrested moments later and died in an institution several years later.


Kanata, Adana, Roma and Athenia Became Provinces in 1344 (Adana would later be renamed Magnolia in 1404 in honor of Queen Magnolia who died in 1403, after a 90 year reign.)

The Province of Messina oficially came on board in 1348. It was named after Jackson T. Messina, assasinated in 1340.


The territory of Dakota which had been denied provincehood sixteen years earlier, was now a full province, along with the Miranda territory, in 1353. Also this year, the first "World War" broke out between Qrolica (a large country on the southern tip of Atlantis), and five smaller countries of the seven it borders. The thing was, Qrolica tried to take over those small countries for their resources. Several countries, including the two largest countries that border Qrolica, told it to "back off." Long story short, both large border countries (of Qrolica) decalred war on Qrolica, but not before it took over the five smaller countries.


The U.N. security council met to decide what to do with the war going on on Atlantis. Zalia, the country from Atlantis, favoured peace. All other countries did as well, but Antila did not want to be involved in the affairs of another country. Never-the-less, it was voted that Qrolica should be stopped, and that several countries should help them out. Neptunia voluteered troops to help stop the fighting. Qrolica managed to take over one of the large border countries, but the allies fought back. By 1357, the war was over. An allied victory was confirmed by the Atlantis treaty of 1357, which is still in effect today. 1.89 million Qrolic troops died; 1.21 million allied troops were lost. In total, over 3 million people died.

Today, Qrolica is not a member of the U.N. because of the war, even though they have asked to join seventeen times between 1383, the first time they asked, and now, 1420.

Plutonia and Australis, in 1359, became provinces. It was the next year, 1360 however, that things really happened.

History: Creation-1303 History: 1360-1420 MAIN PAGE


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