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Valentino M'Nai

Valnetino, the younger brother of James, replaced James on the thrid voyage to the Emerald Islands. Leaving Kemano, M'Nai made a critical error and ended up sailing just north of Emerald Islands. He hit land at a point in the south central area of Iridia and set up a permanent settlement know as Kurdzai. He returned to Kemano later that year.

Captain Jaun Leonardo Zuca

On Estovan Terra's first voyage in 869 A.B., Zuca was a ship's hand. One night, he over-heard two other sailor's plot to murder Terra and take the ship by force. Zuca was found listening in, and threatened. He said that he wanted to join them, and the mutineers agreed.

Zuca and the other two met at Terra's cabin door where they would kill him in his sleep. As the trio broke into the Captain's cabin, a surprised Terra awoke to find the trio hovering over him. Zuca surprised the mutineers by killing them instead of the Captain. Zuca spilled the beans and was promoted to second mate. Back at Qrolica, Zuca was given his own trio of ships, and made a captain.

In 882 A.B., Zuca set sail from Qrolica to Corillia. He landed at the western most part of Corillia, a peninsul/cape where he setup a permanent settlement, Akron.









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