Neptunian History

In the beginning...

Nova Arcana is the 7th planet from the star Kaus Australis in the constilation Sagittarius. This planet, it is generally belived, was created some 2 billion years ago.

In the beginning, there were five stages of the planets development, called Eras: Honta Era, Nessaro Era, Dolet Era, Cretolius Era and the Presidio Era.

Paleontologists and historical scientists alike have no real idea of what the planet looked like in the Honta Era, but they can say with certainty what the other four Eras looked like (show below).

Nessaro Era
(550-250 MYA)
Dolet Era
(250-100 MYA)
Cretolius Era
(100 MYA-25 MYA)
Presidio Era
(25 MYA-Present)

Around 200 million years ago (MYA), strange creatures called dinosaurs ruled the planet. Dinosaurs, or "Terrible Lizards," lived on every part of Nova Arcana. There were all kinds of dinosaurs; every shape and size you can imagine.

When the continents split up around 250 MYA, to take their Dolet Era form, the dinosaurs on each continent evolved into different species. Indeed, each continent has it's own unique species, while also having species that are similar to species found on other parts of the planet.

The dinosaurs died out for some unknown reason around 20 million years ago. It is thought that they evolved into birds; there is strong evidence for this, however.

There are several other theories as to what happened to the dinosaurs, as well. One theory is that the asteroid that had hit the Dead Man Territory some 710,000 years ago (See Geography) created a thick layer of dust and ash that suffocated most reptiles. However, this asteroid fell long after the dinosaurs died; the argument is that the asteroid crater's age is a lot older than generally accepted. (There is very slim evidence to support this argument too.)

The island of Avalon (South of the Emerald Islands and South-East of Neptunia) was formed by volcanic magma which hardened over time to create islands. The funny thing is, the South-Western islands in the chain stand where Corillia (then merged with Kia) once was! It seems that the Avalonian Islands formed after Corillia moved to it's present location, indicating Volcanoes were once present on Corillia's Eastern side. In fact, there are no volcanoes on Eastern Corillia; they are all on it's Western side.

The first people

The first people on the planet Nova Arcana were known as neoandrothals (primitive cave men), who lived some 1.074 million years ago. It is not known where humanity was first born; there are few clues. Some suggest that the natives of Neptunia are the most closely related to early neoandrothals. However, these people were very primitive in the way they lived; they used few if any tools for the first few hundred thousand years. Eventually, they learned to use sharpened sticks for hunting.

Sharpened rocks were placed on the ends of sticks for better killing when hunting, and soon fire was found.

Slowly humaity progressed. Every few thousand years, a new discovery was made, be it fire, the wheel, iron, etc.

10,000 B.C. to 3256 B.C.

By the year 10,000 B.C., civilization had taken a primitive shape. There were cities, countries and culture, and yes, even wars. In 3256, it is belived, the "saviour" was supposedly born in a small town called Homa, in Mondolla, a country on the Atlantis continent.

At that time, the yearly calender was revised by Catholic Church, specifically Pope Lionux III. The years restarted at zero. This "calendar" sysytem was known as the Nordic Calendar.

Early Civilizations

There were several countries that have been around for many years; longer than most other countries. These "early" countries Include Mondolla, Zalia, Qrolica, Kemano, Ezren and Siathos.

Kemano was the center of art, science, poetry, education and civilization between 0 and 800 A.B. It was like a renaissance time. New things were invented all the time, stories were written and some of history's greatest paintings and plays were created.

These same countries mentioned above started to explore by sailing ship around 870 A.B. The first true explorer of Nova Arcana was Estovan Terra.

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