Last Updated: July 16th 2003... hey people! right sooo, i'm moving my websites right now, deleting old pages i don't use anymore, adding new stuff. so if links don't work, don't worry, that's not a problem, it's just me playing around. i should be done in a month or so. hopefully. if you want any new info on what i'm doing etc, you should check out my online journal.
um, that's it for now i think. i don't do much, i don't go to school and don't have a job, whee. so yeah, i'm kinda bored, which is why i'm playing with html. the rest of the time i read or write or both ;) right so i'll leave you to look around if you want.
note to self: get a new guestbook!
and a new counter.
P.s. Psst, shortcut, click here to get the list of links without all those graphics.