Mobius RPG

Version 0.1

Have you ever watched, read, or played Sonic the Hedgehog and thought, "Man, I'd love to be in that world?" Well, unfortunately, due to the limitations of our current understandings of reality, that's not possible, but we've still got the next best thing . . . Mobius, the Role-Playing Game.
In Mobius RPG, you can be a Freedom Fighter and fight alongside your compatriats to free the world from the iron grip of tyranny. You can be a heartless robot, ready to roboticize every organic being that dares stand still long enough. You can be a bounty hunter, a doctor, a hacker . . . anything your imagination can come up with, and all in the wide world of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sound like a dream come true? Then read on, fellow gamester, and make that dream a reality!

NOTE: You may notice that the version number above currently reads well below 1.0 . . . this is because this RPG is in only the very beginning stages of development, and will not be ready for play for a long time yet. The rules that you will find on these pages are by no means set in stone, may change over the course of time, and will generally have gigantic gaps and errors for some time to come.
So why bother putting this up at all, you ask? Because while I know a fair deal about role-playing games and their construction (having made at least one half-way decent RPG system before), getting comments, critiques, and the occaisional helping hand couldn't hurt. So if you see something here that strikes you as particularly good, stupid, inventive, boneheaded, or whatever, please e-mail me with your comments and/or ideas. I really want to make this as much fun as possible for everyone, and I can't be sure I'm doing that without your feedback.
Thanks in advance . . . now on with the show!

- The Original Text File
- Primary Statistics
- Secondary Statistics
- Resistance Statistics
- Skills


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