Encyclopedia Mobius

A long long time ago, I devised a set of Sonic the Hedgehog fanfics (collectively known as The Chaotic Multiverse) that would take place on a Mobius of my own design. Unfortunately, I never got around to completing the series . . . but the ideas and rules governing that Sonic-verse still facinate me. In order to keep them alive - and hopefully entertain other Sonic fans in the process - I have created the Encylopedia Mobius, a comprehensive guide to all the gadgets, concepts, and whatnot contained within The Chaotic Multiverse. I hope you enjoy it all as much as I do.

[A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z]

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Bionetics - The general term used to describe the biological enhancement of living beings through the use of nanites to retroactively alter their genetic sequences. The surgical process and implants that are the core of a bionetic system were developed by Dr. Reginald Quack in 3192 AD as an alternative to crude cybernetic systems such as head . . . Full Entry

Coherent Light Diffusors - First developed in 2934 AD, Coherent Light Diffusors (CLDs) ushered in a new era of self-defense and are still widely used to this day. CLDs are small trasparent fibers that can be woven into the cloth of any common type of clothing and provide excellent protection against laser-based weaponry. They work by absorbing much of the . . . Full Entry

Patachos - A common snack food item, comprised mainly of nacho chips and potato wedges dipped in jalapeno sauce and melted cheddar cheese. There are many different variations on the standard patacho recipie, changing from region to region. Common alterations include the use of raw potato wedges, different spices mixed into the cheese sauce, and the addition of live grubs.

Royal Council - Founded in 2 AD, shortly after the world-spanning Acorn Kingdom was first established, the members of Royal Council serves as both the king's most trusted advisors and as agents who enact change as per his orders in each of their specialized fields. They also work as a check and balance for the king, as they are able to veto any decision made . . . Full Entry


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