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Here are some easy ways to earn money.
Play games
Go to "explore" everyday and explore through some of the links listed on the purple link bar.  You can obtain free items, or get neopoints.  You can also sell the free items that you've found or won.  Its better to sell them for as cheap as possible so your items will be sold quicker.
Coltzan Shrine
Fruit Machine
Giant Omelette
Giant Jelly
Healing Springs
Rubbish Dump
Wheel of Mediocrity
Wheel of Monotony
Wheel of Excitement
Wheel of Misfortune
Hidden Tower
Igloo Garage Sale
Faerie Crossword Puzzle
Illusen's Glade
Jhudora's Cloud
Snow Faerie's Quest
The BRAIN Tree
Mystery Island Kitchen
Put neopointsin your bank and collect interest everyday before you deposit or withdraw any neopoints
Buy cheap items from the "Igloo Garage Sale" (they sell their items cheap/link provided on the purple side bar) and sell them in your shop for what its worth.  To find how much an item is, go to the Wizard.
Have two screens open, one open in the Wizard, and one open in shops.  Go through shops like the furniture shop, magic shop, etc. and find items that are worth more than they are in the Wizard shop. It sounds confusing, but you'll get what I mean.  Buy items in the shops and sell them off in your shop for how much its worth through the Wizard.  You'll make profit. But be sure that you check the Wizard's price before buying it from the shops. Make sure they're at least 100+ np in difference, otherwise, there really is no profit there.
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