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The surest and easiest way to make Neopoints is of course the games. Use this page to maximize your earnings!
Kiko Match:

This game is my personal favorite and should be a top priority for you if you're looking for easy np. I always get around 500np each game and you can play up to three times for np so thats about 1500np a day. And it doesnt even take long to play! Visit it first!
Tip: click fast! That's all there is to this one! And keep an eye on where the Kiko's you uncover are so you know how to match when you find their mate.
Wheel of Excitement:

Another one of my favorite's although this one is a chance game. I almost always come out on top with it as do others so it's still worth it to play. It costs 100np to play (so go right after playing Kiko Match).
Tip: There's really no strategy with this one, just click the button and cross your fingers!
Fruit Machine:

The only thing good about this one is it's totally free. It's hard to win on it, however, and you only get one chance a day. Might as well take it, though. After all it's free!
Tip: Same with the Wheel of Excitement. The old click an' cross. (and praying couldn't hurt)
Wheel of Mediocrity:

Might as well continue the wheel theme here. It's just like the Wheel of Excitement only half as expensive and half as good. There's a worse chance to win a prize with this one. I dont reccomend it.
Tip: Just like the other wheels. Pray for a good spin.
Air Faerie Quest:

This one is pretty difficult but once you get the controls down you can really fly through the levels.
Tip: Take your time. That's key. Clouds will stop shots fired from bad guys and also turn back most enemies. The wall walker will go walk over your cloud so make sure to try and trap him or at least place a cloud wall between you and it.

The game difficulty level is quoted as easy per Neopets but I find this game to be at least a medium difficulty. It's worth playing for the sole fact it doesnt take long.
Tip: Aim slightly higher than the centre of the target and release the arrow at the 8th mark. It usually works perfect for me. Timings the only problem.
Chomby and the Fungus Balls:

Okay someone needs to rethink that title. Anyways, this game is very fast paced but it's all strategy. Once the level is figured out just steer Chomby in the right direction. Play it right, you can end up with a Magical Plushie! It gives a good amount of Neopoints to play too.
Tip: When the level first starts, dont move. You're always safe at least for a while in your starting position. Figure out the room and the easiest way to your targets. If you need to, sit in the turnstyle in a diagonal position so youre untouchable and figure out the level from there.
Negg Sweeper:

There's three levels of difficulty with this game. It's exactly like Mine Sweeper which comes pre-loaded in most computers anyways so most of you will know what to do. My first time I payed 30np and walked away with 771. I definately reccomend it
Tip: This is a mathematic strategy game so if you're not the best in math this might not be the best game for you. The most important thing is to be sure of where you click. If you're about to click a square make sure ALL the other numbers around it indicate that square is safe to click. Otherwise go to a different section and work your way back to it.
Techo Says:

The same thing as "Simon" Memorize the sequence and win big.
Tip: There's a nice little way to cheat if you have a friend with you. As the colours come up, have your friend write them down while you watch and relay them to him/her. When it's your turn, your friend can relay the colours back to you! What a pal. They should write in shorthand too to make sure they dont write too slow. (ex. b=blue, r= red, y=yellow, etc.)
Meerca Chase:

This game is similar to "worm" which once again many computers come pre-loaded with. Avoid the red neggs and your own tail, grab the others. Its fast and easy.
Tip: I usually start playing on the hard setting to warm myself up. It goes fast so when Im ready to really try I go to the medium setting and it seems slow. Wanna know the secret levels? Pressing shift is all you need to do for the first one. Then press the space bar to start. The other level is obtained by clicking the top-right corner of the difficulty select screen then the meerca goes super fast. Shift gives you 12 times the amount, the other gives you 15 times.
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Poogle Solitaire:

This is one of the
easiest games on Neopets..WITH the cheat sheet. Moohaha.
Tip: Use this chart to win easily. The first number is the square the poogle is in, the second number is the one you move the poogle to: 29-17, 22-24, 17-29, 31-23, 32-24, 24-22, 26-24, 33-25, 24-26, 27-25, 21-23, 18-30, 20-18, 11-25, 30-18, 16-28, 14-16, 9-23, 28-16, 7-9, 13-11, 10-12, 3-11, 12-10, 5-17, 17-15, 4-16, 15-17
Diva Starz:

Such a simple game. It's fast and easy. Just pick up the stuff at the bottom of the screen. The faster you do it the better and avoid the stuff you're not supposed to get.
Tip: This game is a no-brainer. No need for a tip.
(How to be a NeoMillionaire)
Treasure Hunt:

Easy game with the list of answers. Moohaha. You even get a nifty space map for your trouble you can sell for a good 3000np.
Tip: Click
here for the answers.
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