>Larvae Cell
This is Cells' original state, in this form he had to wait 24 years to get enough nutrients
to go into pupa Cell. He was in this form in the third time line I wrote about above.
>Pupa Cell
Once he reached this form [after 24 years] he had to wait a further 4 years to reach his
1st stage. He killed the Trunks of his timeline stole his time machine and travelled back
to a year before Frieza and King Cold arrive on Earth. After 4 years he had absorbed
enough nutrients to reach his first form and fight Goku and the others
>Imperfect Cell
This is the first form we ever saw Cell in, he was very strong in this form, at the time only
two people could compete with him; Piccolo [after fusing with Kami] and #16.For Cell to
reach his 2nd Stage he needed to absorb either android 17 or 18.
>Semi-Perfect Cell
To achieve this form he had to absorb android 17/18, he absorbed #17 becoming
unimaginably strong [at the time]. To reach his Final stage [Perfect Cell] he still had to
absorb #18. Vegeta allowed Cell to absorb #18 so he had a strong foe to fight against, not
knowing that Perfect Cell was too strong for anybody to handle
>Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell was arrogant but he had a reason to be, no one could stand up to Perfect Cell.
Realising this he announced "The Cell Game". A tournament that allowed anyone on earth
to fight against him, if no one could defeat him he said he would blow up the earth. He gave
everybody 2 weeks to prepare. Cell had the ability to use moves such as the kamehameha
and Piccolos' Beam cannon, he can use these moves because he has their DNA. He has
Saiyan blood so when he heals after a serious injury he gets dramatically stronger. He also
has the ability to regenerate, not just a limb but his whole body, one time Vegeta vaporised
his whole body apart from a small part of his head remained, he regenerated from that.
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