Ship Shop & Repair

Name of item  / Cost of item  / Description of item

Sayian Space Pod$10,000Travels anywhere in 10 days and holds 1 person.

Ginyu Space Pod$30,000Goes anywhere in 5 days and holds 1 person.

Namek Space Ship$90,000Goes anywhere in 30 days and holds 10 people.

Capsule Corp. Ship$300,000Goes anywhere in 7 days and holds 5 people.

Frezia Space Ship$400,000Goes anywhere in 10 days and holds 13 people. Can hold two rejuvination tanks

Cruise Vessel$500,000Goes anywhere in 8 days and holds 15 people. Can fit a rejuvination tank.

Capsule Corp. Training Pod$800,000Doubles the stats you would normally get from training anywhere except the other dimension. Goes any where in 5 days and holds 1 person. Can fit a rejuvanation tank. (this is before any weighted items are added)

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