Welcome to the Jewelry Shop.
Items worn around the Neck

Name of item  / Cost of item  / Description of item

Daimond Necklace
/ $20,000 Great Gift and adds 1,000 to all stats.

Gold Necklace For Men
/ $30,000Adds 1,000 to all stats.

Items worn on the Wrists

Watch  $2,000  Blocks Time Stop 1 time.

Timex$5,000Same as watch but blocks Time Stop twice.

Daimond Braclet $15,000 / This makes a great gift to impress the lady you have your eyes on, or something a girl could buy to make her slef feel a little more high class.  It also helps for training by adding 800 to all stats when worn during training.  (For girls ONLY)


Agression Ring
/ $50,000 / If someone is wearing this and challenges you to a battle then you must fight them.
These are the items that we curently have in stock
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