After parting with their drummer Baalberith and changing name from Morbid God to Moonspell, the band recruits new drummer Nisroch, who had played in Decayed in their earliest days. Fenrir changes name to Malah and they record their demo-tape �Anno Satanae�, a great Black Metal demo that is highly praised in the Underground. The track "Goat on Fire" is included on a Portuguese compilation CD called "Mortuary Vol. 1" (that also features Thormenthor's tracks from their 7"EP and the 'The Birth of a Tragedy' tape), and Molon Lave Records releases a 7" EP with 2 tracks from the demo, "Goat on Fire" and "Wolves from the Fog". In 1994 a highly acclaimed mini-CD entitled �Under the Moonspell� is released by Adipocere Records, being a great success in Europe. The band starts playing live and replaces Malah with Tanngrisnir (freshly out of Decayed). They also get a keyboard player, Neophytus. Century Media signs Moonspell for six CDs and they go to Germany to record the groundbreaking �Wolfheart�. By now their Black Metal sound was much diluted, and the following CDs confirm their turning first to Goth sonorities and then to bizarre sound experiments that further strayed them from Black Metal. Fernando Ribeiro would nevertheless still flirt with his musical roots occasionally, through the release of Daemonarch�s CD or the participation in Root�s �Black Seal�.