Decayed�s first release was the demo ��Thus Revealed� in 1992. The demo showed promise which was confirmed shortly after with their �The Seven Seals� 7�EP and their excellent debut CD �The Conjuration of the Southern Circle�, which showed a sound progression further into the realm of Black Metal. This CD being the greatest BM release ever made in Portugal, Decayed seemed to have the gates to hell opened up before them. A short European tour was planned; however, and disastrously, the band was severely crippled by the departure of JM, their vocalist and bass player (who took his amazing Black Metal vocals elsewhere) and of JB, who was perhaps the finest and fastest drummer in the Portuguese Underground at the time. Decayed had a hard time to recover from this severe blow, and perhaps they never completely did. As a duo, JA and VJ hired a session drummer to release a mini CD called �In Lustful Mayhem�. The release suffered from a weak sound. But Decayed persevered, and along the following years, having JM returned to the band after a passage through Moonspell, they released more and more CDs, EPs, tapes, and LPs, losing the guitarist VJ along the way. They never got a new drummer, relying on a drum machine for their recordings and gigs. As a duo, JA and JM secured the throne of Portuguese Black Metal with their increasingly dirty and aggressive sound and energetic shows. They finally did a European mini-tour together with Abigail and Impiety, confirming their status of cult underground Black act.
JM left the band once more in 2003. JA went on releasing stuff and now he seems to have gotten a new line-up, so gigs are once again expected after a long absence.
Read interviews with JA here and here.