Interview with JA - 21 June 2004
So what have these last months been like for Decayed? Is it true you have an all-new line-up and are nearly ready to hit the stage again?

In the last 2 months we've been rehearsing with a new line up: JA on guitars, Aion on vocals, K on bass and Gabriel on drums. Things are working out ok, we already have enough songs rehearsed to play live, now we're just making it sound better. I guess that in a couple of months we'll start doing some shows to see how it works live. There has been also some new releases being put out, like the new
split with URN.

You keep releasing stuff in spite of setbacks. Are you pleased with the 'The Nameless Wraith' split? What's it like to have a real drummer again?

It's obvious that I keep on releasing stuff even though there are setbacks. Since the beginning of this band I've had nothing but setbacks so it isn't nothing new and I'm used to dealing with it. I'm mostly pleased with the split, it turned out very good, although I had to work out the songs in just 2 weeks so that I could send them to Tormentor. Mighty JM fucked me up one last time with this one... It was different to work with a drummer again, the last time being late 94, but Tormentor is a really Metal drummer so things worked out just fine in the first rehearsal that we had. But I still love the drum machine and I'll keep on using it.

What about your track in the 'Lusitania Dark Hordes' compilation? It seems a bit different from the usual Decayed to me, perhaps a bit more experimental. What are your thoughts on it?

It should sound different, it's impossible to do over and over again the same stuff. My life is totally different from the past and that influences what I create musically, so to me it's no surprise that this new song sounds more experimental cause that was what I intended. Now with just me creating everything in the band, I just do what I want and don't even bother if it sounds like my old material or not. I already composed the next album ("Hexagram") and I can tell you that it's totally different from any other record that DECAYED did in the past. The song on the compilation turned out very good, although it was written in just a few minutes. It will again be featured on the next album cause it fits perfectly on it.

What about your side project Nethermancy? Are you pleased with the CD you finally released? What have the reactions been like?

I'm very pleased with the final result of NETHERMANCY, the album is perfect in every way. I'm not so sure about reactions, but according to Hiberica it's getting good reviews.

What is the future for projects like Alastor and Nethermancy?

The future is never certain (only Death is certain) so I can't tell you anything about that. I'm going through some rough times now and I have no idea if music will be part of my future. The new ALASTOR has been recorded for over a year and there are plans to be released, I just don't know when. The label is also going through some rough times. As for NETHERMANCY, it all depends on the sales of this debut album and the interest of the label.

Do you feel the CD release of 'The Conjuration of the Southern Circle' by Inner Evil Records is finally the version you had wanted all along? Do you think justice is finally done to that CD and the debut EP (and demo)?

Yes indeed, the japanese CD version of our debut is exactly how I always wanted it to be. Everything turned out with a very good quality and finally people have the opportunity to listen to our first EP with a good sound quality (not like that shit done on the "In Lustful Mayhem" MCD) and a lot of people can also finally listen to our 92 demo with some unreleased songs.

How have you seen the evolution of the Portuguese scene in the nearly one year since I first interviewed you? Any names that may have impressed you?

The new stuff that I have been listening is at gigs. ALIEN SQUAD was a good surprise and also ACROMANIACOS. As for more Metal sounds I have no idea of what's going on around, except for the split with LUX FERRE that impressed me also, they managed to put a very good Metal attack on that one. Also the debut demo of BUTCHER turned out very good.

What have you been listening to lately?

Shit! Not much. I've been listening to my LPs, and the last ones that I listened were TWISTED SISTER.

What are Decayed's plans for the immediate future? Any new releases coming up?

Keep on rehearsing to do some live shit and start working on the next album. The songs are ready so I just need to start rehearsing... probably on my own. There is a new EP recorded and almost ready to send to Germany and I think that that will be the last release this year.

Thanks man! All the best for Decayed!

Thank you for once again supporting DECAYED man. You rule. All the best, take care and stay Metal.