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August 16, 2004: I was working on an assignment last night, and since I didn't wanna print it and waste ink, I thought I'd save it to a floppy and print it at school. So I save it, and go to make a second copy, and the first floppy is corrupt. So I had to type the first page all over again... not fun.
August 13, 2004: I'm running cross country this year (hope I don't get cut!), mainly because I like running. And also to get in shape, and be able to say I can run. Anyway, Coach Wehrman gave each runner a nutrition sheet, saying what we should eat and what we shoudn't. Unfortunately, really sugary cereal wasn't on the menu. So I went into the kitchen this morning, trying to find something healthy to eat for breakfast. Then, I remember there's bagels. So I take out the bagels, go to open them, and every one of them has these huge blue patches of mold on 'em. I was almost too disgusted to continue my search...
August 5, 2004: Ancient Spartans. 'Nuff said.
July 28, 2004: Every time my sister has to stay after school, I walk home with my friend Simon. To save time (and because he won't have it any other way) we take a short-cut through one of the school's gates by the track. Sometimes it's locked, and we have to hop the fence. He can make it over fine, but me... ehh I'm not so great at hoppin'. Every time until today I've screwed up (getting into a "weird position," as Simon put it) and just end up wasting time. So this time I watched him do it, did everything he said, and hop the fence quickly. *Smack* "And remember not to fall," says Simon when I hop the fence and land really wrong, falling to the ground and getting my side really dusty and dirty.
July 26, 2004: There was this one time that I went to in-n-out burger with a couple of my friends (owen, simon, and taylor if you're whining about who it is). So we were sitting outside, and I saw there were these packets of salt on the table. So I take a single french fry and empty a packet of salt on it, and eat it. Was not very good.
July 19, 2004: It's pretty hot in my room, so every day I freeze a bottle of water and let it melt during the afternoon. I put it on my nightstand, and left it closed (it was filled to the top with water) while it was melting. I came in about 2 hours later to get a drink from it, and the second I opened it, water comes shooting out of it, hitting me in the face and getting most of my bed and school stuff (including homework) wet. But I must say... it was refreshing.
July 18, 2004: I was sitting in my room doing my homework, with my back turned to my two siblings (who were also in the room at the time). The second I turn my back to them, I hear Jenna say, "Let's test your reflexes, Nicky!" *THUD* "OW!" I turn around, Nicholas is holding his knee in pain.
July 15, 2004: Those of you in Ms. Milam's honors chemistry class will know what I'm talking about here. There was this lab safety video that she showed us today that had some pretty weird stuff in it. Such as a person lighting their arm on fire and letting it burn for about 20-30 seconds to show that clothes can catch on fire. Or the guy that broke this glass rod dealy and pretty much purposely stabbed his hand with it. But the one that takes the cake is definetly the one where they had two kids working with corrosive chemicals (chemicals that eat away at organic material, or acid). One spilled it all over his clothes, so he rushes over to the emergency shower to get it off. So he pretty much strips naked (you don't see anything below the waist or anything) and starts taking a shower to get the chemicals off... as his lab partner is standing right there just kinda in a trance staring at him. So remember this rule: if you get corrosive chemicals on you, take off your clothes and take a shower in front of your lab partner.
July 14, 2004: I was sitting at the dinner table a couple days ago and I had some cranberry juice to drink. I remembered that one time my friend, Taylor, had this really bitter cranberry juice that tasted pretty... bitter... so I ask my family, "Have any of you guys ever had straight cranberry juice with no sugar in it?" "You mean... ate a cranberry?" says my sister. After that I felt pretty stupid and didn't say anything for the rest of the night until a couple seconds later.
July 13, 2004: My brother has some weird thing about milk, in that he never drinks it. Ever. So today after dinner, he said he would have some milk and cookies. Shortly after saying that, he asks, "Hey, daddy, are you still gonna go get ice cream?" "Hey! You're tryin' to get outta eatin' milk, aren't ya?" I say from across the kitchen. It took a while for everybody to realize what I said... did you catch it?
July 12, 2004: I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner earlier tonight, and my brother and father are in the other room playing electric guitars (and it happened to project throughout much, if not all, of the house) and they were playing "It's a Long Way To the Top." The chorus is supposed to go "it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n roll," so my sister waltzes in and sings (rather well, at that) "well it's a long way to the top if you're goin' really slow..." Just kinda weird.
July 11, 2004: I was playing this fighting game with my little brother today (Soul Calibur 2 for Xbox, by the way). I was in this part where you gotta knock out multiple enemies one-by-one, and if you get hit during one fight, you keep the same health against the next guy. I got to like the last part of a 5-person group under this setting. Right at the start, I run at the dude, getting ready to murder him like nobody's business, and he kicks me once (without even moving from his starting point) and kills me! Jenna and Nick bust out laughing as I start yelling at the game for cheating.
July 10, 2004: I forget when it was, but there was this one time (it's pretty recent) my family and I were driving home from the mall. We pass this guy in his car with the windows down, tryin' to look cool. So my mom says, "Woah, Mr. Cool..... Get your AC fixed!"
July 9, 2004: A couple weeks ago my cousins Lucas and Reece came over. There wasn't a lot to do, so Lucas and my brother Nicholas decided to play Halo (that shooter on XBox). They were playin co-op, and had like 10 computer-controlled companions to help them. I'm not very good at that game, so I left. A little while later, I come in and I hear this:
Nicholas: This is pretty boring. Hey! You wanna shoot our guys?
Lucas: Okay!
So they kill a computer, and are quickly turned on by the rest of them. They fight for a little while, and finally only Nicholas and Lucas are standing.
Lucas: Looks like we're the only survivors.
Nicholas: Yeah... And soon,
I'll be the only survivor!
So they start shooting at each other. Little did they know that both of them had unlimited lives...
July 7, 2004: I tried to pull an all-nighter a little while back, and I didn't quite make it. So I fell asleep for about an hour. A little while later, I hear this loud buzzing noise. So I slam my fist on the closest thing I can feel. But the buzzing doesn't stop. I pick up what's making the buzzing, asking myself "how do I turn this alarm off again?" I look up and I'm holding!... a box of tissues, which was sitting right next to my alarm clock at the time.
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