September 29, 2004: So me, Simon, and Owen were sitting in math class, and I see Owen has his book open to some page w/ a bunch of pie charts on it. One of them is for "causes of death in the US" or something. One of the categories listed is "homocide/ legal intervention" so we started asking each other "what's legal intervention mean?" Simon said that it was when police officers shoot at you if they feel threatened. So I start thinking... what if I went door to door with a butter knife in my hand asking for butter and I get shot? Is it homocide, or legal intervention, since they feel threatened by the knife?
September 23, 2004: I was at cross country practice, which is funny by itself, since I really can't run that well (my leg hurts... don't know why). Anyway we were doing partner-streching, and I was on the ground in the grass just kinda lying there (being streched) and I feel this pain in my arm. I raise it up and I got this scary-lookin' red thing on my arm, so I swat it off. It left a mark, but it doesn't really itch... it stings... ow...
September 21, 2004: Last night I was eating dinner (!) and afterward, my family and I decided to sit around for a while (just 'cause we were bored). So I see my mom get up and get this piece of candy out of this canister on the counter. Nobody would ever think of putting candy in it, so I figured she kinda hid it. So I got up, took a piece of candy, sat back down, and ate it. A little while (a few seconds later) I see my mom going through the canister and she says "Where's the candy?" so I hold up the empty wrapper and say in an evil voice "looking for
this? Wha-hahahahahahahaha!"
September 18, 2004: Which reminds me. That same meet from last week, before we ran, we all took a bathroom break. Now, our team has some 17-18 or so guys on it, so we all had to wait around to use the bathroom. Meanwhile, another team shows up. They didn't want to wait, so they went in the girl's bathroom (nobody was around, so nobody would care, no big deal). Anyway, the rest of our team is waiting on the last couple guys to come out, and we see this mass of other guys flooding out of the girl's room, and one of our runners, John, says "Yeah, that's not gay."
September 11: I was running this huge cross country meet this morning, and I was doin' pretty good. Now, maybe you don't know this, but your mouth gets really nasty (or at least mine does) running some 3 miles without any water. So I say better out than in, and spit. Well, this time it didn't really work; all the stuff in my mouth came out in this long strand to the ground, and just kinda hung there. Then it hit my leg and stuck to that for about 1-2 minutes... It was wet and cold, so that was okay, but then again it was outta my own mouth. And I think the guy behind me might've seen that whole episode, but I don't really care about that 'cause I beat him.
September 7: Back in my freshman year, I ran track. It was pretty fun, until something happened and my left hip pretty much didn't exist; I'd always limp when I ran and stumble when I put weight on it. Anyway I wasn't running, and we had a home meet, so I was some hired help. The meet was about to begin, and I was told go rally the team and head out to the track. So I jump onto a security go-cart and tell them "onward! to the locker room!" They hit the gas and I fall off, since I wasn't holding onto anything. So ignoring my horrible limp, I sprint after them and jump back on. the falling sucked, but the sprint was pretty cool.
September 1: I just remembered that one history video about ancient Rome with that guy commenting on the gladiators (entertained people with violence). He said that the root "gladius" most likely meant sword, but in another context, it can also come to mean... ah, I won't say. Use your imagination...
August 27: We were in world history/geography class today, and we have this really important test on ancient Rome coming up. Our teacher gave us this packet that contains important information not said in the book. He also says to reread it over the weekend. So Taylor asks him, "why do you make us stress about these tests, when they turn out to be really easy anyway?" So Mr. C says, "All right Taylor, tell you what. Don't read the packets.
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