These are pics of me and my ex roommate/apprentice RAVEN SHADOWDANCER.

The above pic was taken this past PENNSIC XXXII in early August 2003. Every year I try and bring two new people with me so they can experience what PENNSIC WAR is and what it has to offer. This year I brought up my ex boyfriend and my now ex apprentice and roommate. I know both had a good time, as they are planning for the next Pennsic War already. Every year we try to shock the general populace of the known world with a really good and unique costume. This year was no different. This year my ex roomie Raven Shadowdancer (AKA George Jacobs)  went as the first brother of an Egyptian Pharoah. This pic was taken 30 minutes before the CLAN BLUE FEATHER BALL, and was taken by a lady on the street. She was nice enough to sent us the pics a week after Pennsic. Clan Blue Feather was kind enough to let us camp with them this year with very short notice, so I feel it is my honor to give their name and link here at this time. CLAN BLUE FEATHER is a camp of homosexual/bisexual men and women from all over the known world. Each year they do a huge ball and give out prizes for best costumes. This year Raven won best Pennsic Virgin in show. The costume work I am wearing was totally done by me, but the costume that Raven is wearing is a Aeron Corrino (AKA Joel Reid Jr.) creation. Aeron is one of the best costume designer, artist, and tailors I have ever had the pleasure to meet. If anyone is looking for that impossible outfit or costume he can be reached at [email protected]. He is simply one of the best artists I have ever seen. I am extremely picky about what I like and almost every medium this man picks up he masters and creates the most beautiful things. His imagination and talent will one day be known rest assured. Yes folks in most of these pictures I have had to much sun and to much meade and party... laughs out loud.
The pic to the left was taken Pennsic XXXI in August of 2002. At the time my now ex wife and I were still together and still married. It was the first Pennsic we camped apart. She camped with her Knight and household and I took the DEN OF DEVOTED DEVIANTS underground and camped with Spider's Den with my friend Darian Gigerwolf of Avalon (AKA Gypsy Du Soir). I would have to say that Pennsic XXXI was the best Pennsic I have ever had. I had a blast being on my own, and the best war ever. This pic here is one of the only pics Leah and I had taken of us do to the fact that neither of us were together most of this vacation. When I look back at this picture inparticular I am reminded of one of our last happy memories as a married man.
The pic to the right and below were taken at Pennsic War practice May 2001 at Coopers Lake Campground in Butler Co. SWPA.
      You good folks are probably wondering why I am all dressed in this ridiculous outfit. The answer it that I fight 15th century sword and shield for the
S.C.A. (Society for Creative Anachronism). More information on the SCA all throughout this webpage, just click on one of the links for information.
      In this picture, I am wearing my kit, or armour. The gorgette is a steel and leather piece attached with a hinge, that straps in place to prevent neck injuries. The leather outter scale mail absorbs the majority of any blunt attack I recieve. The arms are fashioned after an early roman design common with the Lorica Segmentata. The arms have a 5 piece stainless steel articulated elbow. The knees are a 5 piece articulated set of steel splint mail. The upper thighs have metal bars that absorb most of the impacts I recieve during combat and training. I wear gloves and a kidney belt to protect myself. I wear a nice 16 gage steel helmet thats padded for my head. Fighting is one of the best ways to learn about your own limitations and provides a great aerobic work out as well al releases tons of negativity.
And I wonder why my friends call me a goof...laughs out loud....go figure.
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The above picture was taken of me and my soul mate Galan ( AKA Raleigh) at PENNSIC 34. This picture is on of the best pictures ever taken of him and I, and I felt the need to share it with everyone. Over the years I have slacked off on taking pictures of PENNSIC, but this year we had a friend that brought his camera and we all got a chance to take pics and to be in pictures. Most of the pics on this page prior to this above pic, were taken by friends and sent to me. This is the first year we decided e'nuff was e'nuff and documented our vacation with visual aids. The following pictures are all of PENNSIC 34. If ya find a picture ya like, please feel free to download it and use it as you see fit. (PENNSIC 34)
The above picture is of my ex-roomate/ex-apprentice RAVEN SHADOWDANCER. The first two pics on this page are of RAVEN from PENNSIC 32. Raven missed PENNSIC 33 due to lack of funds and the mundanian grind eatting at him. I guess the Great Earth Mother really wanted him to be there this year. He did not have the cash to really do this, so my partner and my one roomie MATEO decided to sponsor and fund Raven this year. Raven was the best darn lacky and minion (AKA SLAVEBOI) I have ever had at a war. I mean the poor ladd ran himself ragged doing this and that for the 3 of us. I have to add that I am proud of him for doing all the running around and not complaining about it once. This picture is of Raven before the Masked Spanish Inquisition Ball. His costume isn't the best I have seen for the venue he was attending, as the ball is suppose to be the best of the best in your wardrobe, but he had a blast at the party. (PENNSIC 34)
Every year I normally try and take at least one new person to PENNSIC so that they can experience it. This years war virgin was no other than MATEO (AKA MATT) our mundanian roommate. For 3 years I tried to get him to come up, and for 3 years all I got was maximum resistance on this. After manipulating him into it he finally caved in and decided to go. He had a blast. He met tons of new people and shared alot of different experiences with these folks, and here for 3 years he thought all we did was kill each other on the field and smack our livers down with tons of alcohol. The pic is of him in front of the lake with Casa Barducci in the background. Beautiful isn't it? (PENNSIC 34)
The above pic is of a female fighter and merchant practicing her craft. I do not know this womans name but wish I did. In this pic she is actually demonstrating her craft as it would have been done back in the 13th century. This is the first year that merchants actually took to the streets and actually demonstrated what skills and talents they have. I have been to 9 PENNSIC's now, and this was the first year this was done and I found it amazing. I am hoping that the merchants decide to do this every year as the people are incredible in their skills and in their arts. For more information on this, please click on SCADIAN HOBBIES and look under the SCA's official webpage. This would be apart of our ARTS AND SCIENCES section. Can you imagine sitting there kick spinning this wheel for hours making pottery, I can't? (PENNSIC 34)
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