It's extremely rare when I get to go on vacation. Normally I do two weeks at Pennsic and a small trip else where. This year I took a small break with a good friend of mine and we headed to Six Flaggs World of Adventure in Ohio. Let me tell you folks, if your a roller coaster enthusiast like my buddy and I are, you really need to check out Six Flaggs. I don't scare easily, but their Superman coaster, almost had my heart leap out of my chest. The above pic was taken at Six Flaggs aquarium. I had a really neat PISCES experience there. The way the tank it designed the fish swim above you as well as in front of you. I had a shark come up to me and stop swimming. Funny thing is sharks dont stop swimming even when they sleep. I also had this little sea turtle follow me and my hand all over the glass when i was waving it in front of him. It was a rush to see critters I don't normally get to see. All in all I had a blast. It was a little cold and rainey for June which is rather odd to say the least, but it was a good time besides that. Up until Six Flaggs I really didn't like coasters, but know I have a thing for them, especially the new metal ones.
The picture taken to the left, is a picture of an old, shot down fighter from W.W.II. It is a prop thats outside of one of Six Flaggs AREA 51 sub simulator. There are a few other props outside of this ride, the most noticed was this plane and a 4 man discovery submarine. If I was a dishonest chap, I would have concocted an elaborate tail how I was in Guam where my grandfather was shot down and that this plane here was his. Truth of the matter is my grandfather John Christopher Minnick, was captured after his ship was sunk in the Pacific Ocean. My Pap spend most of the war being a slave to the Japanese in a concentration work camp. The brave man survived not only 3 years of torture and work, but survived the trail of blood. This pic here is for the man who taught me that it takes two people to fight. He is missed and still remembered.
I know this isn't a picture of me, but it is one of the pictures I took at Six Flaggs. I really like how these jellyfish came out. It almost like they float on a cushion of air in the water. The were so kewl to photograph, I just had to share with everyone. I hope ya like the pics so far, I know I have been having a blast going thru my memories.
It is very rare when I get dressed up, so ya just know my roomies where not letting me escape a suit and tie without at least one pic being snapped. The above pic was taken on 10/27/03 after I finished with a job interview. I have often been told by many a person in my community, that its the clothes that help make the man. Here I am dressed up, still being who and what I am. I could be in a T-shirt and jeans and still feel the same as I do everyday. I do think that clothes help a person be more confident and fit into a niche, but never have I ever thought that the clothes make the man. A man is defined by his actions, how he handles his affairs, by following his heart, his logic, and keeps it all balanced with his karma. I know who I am, and what I am regardless of the clothes I wear. I hope you can say the same thing about yourself.
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