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Van was once a timid boy, one who always shied away from friends and family when he was very young. So much rage hid within him as well but his manners that were instilled upon him by his parents made him incapable of expressing his feelings.
Then one day, he saw this strage being, one of the types you see in stories only, a huge monster a scary face and dreadful power. He thought he should be scared as he saw the monster barge into his house killing his parents, but he couldn't stop smiling at the thought of how powerful the being was. He didn't seem scared at all, and yet the monster was about to turn on him till "he" saw him.
A strange looking man from behind the monster stared at Van a moment as he wondered why the boy wasn't afraid, yet smiling. Van's reply was simple, "You did what I could not, but I enjoyed it very much."
The stranger stared at the boy and grinned after thinking it over, "So, you think you have what it takes to be a Necromancer boy? Perhaps I should take you with me and show you the ropes?"
Since Van's family was dead, what other choice did he have. The necromancer looted the rest of his family's supplies, he got his things together and off they went to a city known as Dalair.
Here, Van met with the head Necromancer of the guild and was glared at heavily. "What you bring here? another offering to Chaos?" he asked the stranger who brought Van.
"Why no sir, I think this young boy might be yearning for powers of the Dark Arts. He watched me slay his family and enjoyed it, isn't that odd?"
"Hmm, really, is that so?" the head necromancer went to grab a baby from a steel cage in a back room and placed it on the altar before him and handed Van a knife, "Kill this baby, and we'll teach you everthing we know." he said simply as the dagger left his hand and fell into Van's.
Van gulped for a second but in his heart he could feel the evil stir inside him like a plague, he imagined the monster he saw kill his parents and with that in his eyes and heart, the dagger was flaired full force and aimed at the heart of the baby on the altar.
With a bit of awe, the head Necromancer nodded to the stranger, "leave him with me, we'll take care of him, I know you're too busy dealing with other misfits of Chaos as it is.
The stranger nodded as he went down the hall and north.
"What's over there?" Van asked.
"The Halls of Chaos. Perhaps if you're nice to that stranger, he'll let you join their guild? But we have lessons to learn boy, come now as I train you in the dark arts....."

Darkness Gathers

It was all so strange as he started wandering around the realm with his black wand in one hand and a knife in the other. First he walked into a park and looked around for something to do. There he saw two children playing around. They looked like they were having such a good time, that Van decided he wanted to see what they were doing.
As he approached one of them raised their hand up, "GO AWAY! You're a bad person!"
"Remi, be quiet, he might hurt you." "I just wanted to come to the park and have some fun," Van said innocently.
The little boy scoffed at him and then a glimmer of anger wailed out from Van as he raised his wand.
He preapred a ritual quickly as he was taught and then intoned "May the fleas of ten thousand camels afflict thee!"
Suddenly Remi was felt something biting his skin as he started scratching at it, "What did you do! " the boy yelled as he came running at Van. Quickly though, Van raised the knife and threw it down at the boy as he got close, sending he dagger through the heart and blood started to swirl from the wound as the boy gave a gaping cry and died. Petrified the other child started to run away as Van knelt down and drained the blood of the corpse into a wooden bowl.
He then stood up and prepared another ritual with the corpse lieing flat on it's back. Slowly he took out a wax doll and then start the encantation to bring forth a Zombie. Slowly he sticks pins into the wax doll. The air grows cold as the Corpse of Remi stirs... The Zombie of Remi rises from the ground!
The zombie moans, "MASTER, I BE AT THY COMMAND."
A soft glow stirs on the wand and van sighs happily as he finally masted one of the many lessons he was meant to learn.

Chaos Beckons

Slowly through his adventures, Van's powers in the dark arts grew. Soon he was creating Mummies and then Fetches. Impressed with the progress, the necromancer who showed Van to this very hall to start a new life, returned to him once more.
"I noticed you're making a name for yourself. I even heard you took down a few guards in Nepeth. I'm impressed, especially as persistant as they can be"
Van's eyes lit up, "Oh but it was so much fun! I stole his life from him and yet gave it back in the form of a fetch. A great triumph!"
The man nodded and looked back to the hulking lich behind him, "soon you'll be able to create revenants and liches. What will you do with this power after you learn all that you can?"
Van boggled over the question and shook his head, "I had no real intentions. I just enjoy spreading my wings to do as I please. No one can stand up against me or else they pay Lars a visit."
The man shuffled in thought as his lich blinked with a moment of intellengence and then reverted back to a dull stare. "You should join chaos" he said finally.
"Chaos?" Van questioned as he listen intently. "Yes, seems you have the drive they're looking for. Someone to surpress the knights, willing to kill anyone who might oppose you, you know the usuall. But you'll need a mentor."
"Can you mentor me into Chaos?" Van asked excitedly.
"Alas, I will not. I have been conserving my karma for special reasons, though I know someone who's always willing to mentor fellow people into Chaos. Have you ever heard of Chibitrunks?"
"I'm not sure, though I heard he's a rogue of sort. They allow those kind in to Chaos?"
"Yes they do. They like those with a sense of chaos. But those who fight with brute strength alone are not worthy of our guild. It takes cunning and great mental power to be worthy amongst our kind. You should talk to Chibitrunks and ask him to mentor you. He's a very willing soul."
Van nodded and set out for a way to meet this fellow. He knew everyone passed through the major crossroad in Tantallon, so he waited there till he found the person he was looking for. Van stepped up to the man who fit the description of the one he was looking for, and a lot of sour tones he got when he asked. But alas he found him.
"Chibitrunks?" he asked.
"Heh? What do you want?" he said bruptly as he seemed in a hurry.
"I was hoping you might mentor me into Chaos?" Van asked hopefully.
"You want into chaos huh? Tell you what, go tell Maleficio who's just over by the Necro hall, and tell him I sent you. He'll get in touch with me to see if I really sent you. But be warned, if you do me wrong and you don't live up to our expectations, you're visit might be a short one amongst Chaos."
Though tempted to gulp, he just grinned and nodded his thanks, "I will not let you down." he said as he quickly made his way back to Dalair where he found Maleficio.
Maleficio was a frightful looking human who's eyes seems to pierce fear into any soul that approached him. He glared at Van who had come through the area a time or two and now he was set to approach him, "Chibitrunks sent me," he said.
"So, Chibitrunks is recruiting still? Very well, I'll notify him that you're requesting him as a mentor. Just a second."
Maleficio touched his head lightly and something seemed to happen and suddenly a strange sensation crawled up Van's spine sensing that he was approved of his request.
"Very well, it is as you said. You may now join our guild, I give unto thee, this Symbol of Chaos. It will allow you to speak unto the Chaos plane and talk to others of our kind. Be welcomed here amongst us and please follow our rules." he said shrewdly as he handed the medallion of sort to Van, who clenched it tightly. Suddenly, voices started to enter his head pushing him to do evil things, things he had already planned on anyways.

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