The new trend in America has emerged.

The fastest growing fad is being resource and energy conscious.  Driven by environmentalists and those fed up with high energy costs this fad is likely to take America by storm and stay on the forefront of the future to come. 

What does it mean to you?  It means utilizing alternative power sources such as wind energy and solar power.  It means building more energy efficient homes.  It means recycling what we have.  It means using less of our valuable resources such as water to maintain green grass in the desert and in other areas that don�t receive enough rainfall to maintain it naturally.

Large corporations are already jumping on the bandwagon with the U.S. Green Building Council�s influential Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design rating system.  Known as the LEED rating system, this system is making  corporations scramble to have the highest rating marked on the side of their brand new buildings.  This marks the new social structure and status of the future America.

Where does that leave the rest of society?  Big corporations are paving the way with their bold energy saving and cost cutting ways and the best will slowly trickle down through society. 

The next cool thing will be to brag about how energy efficient your home is, and how much less of resources you are using.  But is this just for the elite?  Not at all. The cost of wind energy and solar power is falling rapidly.  With a host of federal rebates and tax credits up for grabs there has never been a more affordable time to make a switch.   

Solar Phytoblank installation is at all time low right now for installation.  For between $5 and $7.50 a square foot you can power your home with solar power.  Best of all, the electric company will have to purchase back any unused power you generate at the wholesale rate.  Getting a check from the electric company each month is a definite incentive to turn off those lights when not in use.  Depending upon the size of your home and what you install, you could be ahead in as little two to four years.

If you�re not ready to make the switch quite yet, there are still many small changes you can make.  For example, if 100 million homes change just one light bulb in their home to the low wattage type it would be enough power savings to power the entire state of Delaware.  What about the electricity usage that flies under the radar?  Regular telephones use zero electricity but we utilize answering machines and cordless phones that use electricity.    

If there ever was a bandwagon, this is the one to be on. 

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