Who says you can�t retire at 40?

Being rich in life is attainable for every single person.  You just can�t follow the pack.  Small changes can lead to drastic results in the future and to getting ahead in life.  Who says you can�t retire at 40?  The ones who are still working at the age of 60 and still can�t retire themselves. 

The book, The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clayson, presents a point to be weary of where your information comes from before you give it credibility or validity.  Society is ingrained that you have to work 40 hours a week, nine to five, until you reach retirement age.  But who has set the retirement age?  It should be set by us because in life there are no guarantees.  But how does one retire at an earlier age than the norm?  Careful financial planning. 

The steps are easy if you are willing to make sacrifices today for a better tomorrow.  Whether or not scaling down your lifestyle is in fact a true sacrifice depends on your focus.  What is your focus?  Think about why you are working.  To pay bills, is the number one answer.  Maybe to provide for your family.  Maybe to afford the luxuries in life.  These are things we can control. 

We control our finances and what we spend our money on.  This in turn dictates how much we have to work.  These two simple statements can appear backwards to some.  And we should ask ourselves is our spending controlling our finances and therefore how much we have to work or is how much we are working controlling our finances and the amount of our spending?  This depends on whether or not you are living within your means. 

With the invention of credit, living beyond our means can be very easy and perhaps, even unnoticeable.  At least for a period of time.  How do you know if you are living within your means?  Take your income less all bills and less all money you spend.  This would include everything you charge to credit cards. 

Are you living within your means?  Have you thought about what your focus is? 

What is the key to getting ahead in the future?
Being in charge of your direction.  You are in the driver�s seat.  Which road are you going to choose to take?

The map to personal wealth and retirement is the same for every single person. 

Some basic tips: 
1.  Get rid of credit cards.
2.  Pay off your car.
3.  Cut out the extras.

There are many, many things you can do to start down the road to personal wealth and retirement.  Some are very easy. 

Read the
E-Book: Financial Time Machine: How to Build Your Own, for all the secrets on how to get on the right road.  Being rich in life is attainable for every single person.  You are in the driver�s seat and the choice is yours of where to go.  

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