How is our consumption of modern conveniences sucking up our resources? 

As our lives become busier and busier we search for convenience.  Convenience to simplify our lives.  But are we really simplifying and making life easier?  At what cost are willing to pay for convenience?  These are interesting questions.  We are willing to pay high prices for conveniences and they can make our lives easier.  But what we think is a form of simplification often delivers more headache in the end.  When our modern conveniences break, we have to call a repairman out, and even a simple fix can be costly. 

A good example is making ice with ice trays.  It takes a few moments to fill up the trays, and can be disappointing when you go to get ice and you discover all the trays are sitting on the counter empty.  But ice trays use zero energy.  Ice makers in refrigerators are a standard feature today.  Once a convenience, now a necessity.  Ice makers cost money to run, and can be expensive to fix if they break.  Much the same as the water spout found on the front of many refrigerators.   

How many other once luxurious conveniences are now deemed a necessity today?  The list is endless.  Many cost us more money and use additional resources and these modern conveniences will slip back to ways of the past.  An example is the popularity of the ancient wood burning stove.  No longer just a  hot accessory for mountain top homes, it is now making its� way back into suburbia.  We not only save big bucks on the heating bill, but we also no longer have to pay someone to come take away the fallen tree limbs.  

But what about the modern conveniences that are here to stay, like cell phones and microwaves?  These will be a permanent replacement for old items of the past.  The transition from house phones to having just a cell phone is already making a splash throughout society now that we can connect to the internet in other ways. 

Will the microwave make the same transition, making the stove a relic of the past?  Some modern conveniences are taking much, much longer to edge out the  past.  Microwaves are much more energy efficient as opposed to using the stovetop or cooking something in the oven.  Plus, using the microwave produces less dishes to clean afterwards. 

So why are some things taking longer to make the switch?  Until we can make turkeys and bake scrumptious goodies such as brownies in the microwave, stoves will still be around.  Food producers are up and coming switching over their oven only items to be microwave friendly.  They sure have mastered microwave pizzas, but Pillsbury, where are you at with the brownies?

Younger generations have a keen eye for energy wasters, and many are opting for stoveless kitchens.  So the trend has started. 

For those who love modern conveniences cooking a turkey all day seems less and less appealing as more stores offer complete holiday dinners to go. 

So where does that leave the brownie lovers?  For those harnessing the future without a stove, we go to order up scrumptious baked goods online and have them delivered right to our door.  


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