Greek and Roman Test
The basic political unit in Ancient Greece was the
Polis  B. State  C. Township  D. Greek

2. A person with the right to take part in political affairs is called a
A. Senator B. Patrician  C.
Citizen D. Mayor

3. The term used to describe the culture influenced by both Greek and Middle Eastern culture was called:
A. Greek Eastern  B. Middle Greek  C. Roman D.

4. The Iliad and the Odyssey were written by
A. Sophocles  B.
Homer  C. Herodotus    D. Aristotle

5.  In the early Roman Republic the _________ held all of the political power.
A.  Plebeians  B.  Emperor C. 
Patricians D.  Ms. Gorman

6.  After gaining the right to make laws, plebeians also had the privilege of:
Appointing a consul B.  Murdering a patrician  
C.  Electing Senators  D.  Defying Mr. McManus

True or False: The Roman Republic came before the Roman Empire
8.    Julius Caesar was murdered by
A.  A jealous girlfriend     B. His nephew Octavian       C. Cleopatra       D.
The Senate

9. The first emperor during the Pax Romana was
A. Marcus Aurelius      B. 
Octavian Caesar    C.  Julius Caesar       D.  Daniel Harber

10. March 15, 44 BC is also referred to as the: BEST ANSWER
A. Middle of the month         B. Doom Day         C.
The Ides of March   D. THS Day

11. All of the following were causes for the fall of the Roman Republic except:
A.  Assassination of Caesar  B.  Riots and unrest among the plebeians
C. 1st and 2nd Triumvirate   D. 
Decision of the Senators

12. The Pax Romana means:
Peace of Rome   B.  King of Rome        C.  Fall of Rome       D. Augustus

13. What relation was Octavian Caesar to Julius Caesar:
A. Son  B. Daughter  C. Father D.

14. Octavian Caesar was given the title Augustus which means:
Majestic One B. Born in August C. Dead D. King  D. Argues a lot

15. True or
False  When the Roman Empire fell so did the Byzantine empire. 

16. True or
False  The Roman Empire always supported Christianity and its followers.

17. During times of war the Roman Republic would name a
A.  General B. Council C. 
Dictator D. Consul

18. The earliest Roman Government was an
Monarchy B. Republic C. Democracy D. Empire

19. According to legend Rome was founded by two survivors of Troy named
A. Lucretia and Elizabeth  B. Roman and Remus C. R
omulus and Remus

20. Analogy---Patrician: _________ :: Plebian: Commoner
A: Senator B.
Aristocrat C. Wealthy D. Caesar

21. Paterfamilias are families led by the
A Mother  B. Father C. Son  D.
Oldest Adult Male

22. Zach helps his friend Brian out of financial trouble during a rough time in Ancient Rome.  By doing this he establishes a family alliance where his family is serving as a ____________ for Brian's family.
A. Client B. Paterfamilias  C.
Patron D. Augustus

23. The most powerful part of government in the Roman Republic was called the
A. Consuls B.
Senate C. Curiate Assembly D. Tribal Assembly

24. Which of the following legislative assemblies of the Roman Republic was the most democratic (allowed the most types of people to be involved in government decisions)?
Tribal Assembly      B. Curiate Assembly      C. Centuriate Assembly        D. Council of Plebes

25. "Men of the People" during the collapse of the Roman Republic were called
A. Optimates B. Plebeians C.
Populares D. Patricians

26. Two brothers that pushed for land reform in the late Roman Republic were
A. The Caesars  B. T
he Gracchis C. The Antonys

27. The First Triumvirate that tried to control Rome were
A. Octavian Caesar, Marc Antony, Crassus
Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Lepidus
C. Pompey, Julius Caesar, and Crassus

28. Rome is located on the _____________ River.
Tiber  B. Nile  C. Rubicon D. Euphrates

29. Which of the following was not one of the reasons Caesar Augustus was so successful as emperor?

A. He gained support through patronage
B. He built infrastructure
C. Bread and circuses
He eliminated all branches of government except "Emperor"

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