Roman Numeral Quiz
I  = 1
10 = X
C = 100
1000 = M
V = 5
L = 50
500 = D
Prehistory Test
--person skilled in a craft (artisan)
-- historic object made or used by humans such as a tool, ornament, or pottery
-- highly organized society marked by advanced knowledge of trade, government, and written language
--scientist who study early people and cultures by unearthing and interpreting objects left behind
--Scientist who study fossil remains
--The exchange of goods, ideas, and customs among different cultures
(cultural diffusion)
--System by which goods and services are produced and distributed to meet people's needs
--A group of government officials headed by and administrator
--The way of life of a given people including language, behavior, and beliefs
-- Government headed by religious leaders or a leader that is considered a god
--Groups of people that have no fixed home, who travel constantly to find food and water (
--The time before written history (
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