Renaissance and Reformation Test

1.Author of the Prince  
Niccolo Machiavelli  
2. Inventor of the Printing Press
Johannes Gutenberg 
3. Started the Church of England 
King Henry VIII 
4. Author of Utopia  
Sir Thomas More  
5. "Rebirth"
6.Pesants legally bound to the land    
7. David and the Sistine Chapel     
8. Business associations for craftsmen
9. The Last Supper and Mona Lisa    
Leonardo da Vinci
10.City of John Calvin and the Calvinists    
11. Person who began the Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther                    
12.Language of everyday speech   
13. Study of faith and reason   S
cholasticism                                                                                      14.A plague that was the worst natural disaster in European history       Black Death 
15.Divison in Europe resulting from the election of two popes by different groups  
Great Schism  16 Belief that god decides the fate everyone  in advance   Predestination                                         17. Worldly; not religious        Secular                                     
18. Certificate of release from punishment from sin    indulgence 
19. Luther's statement of attack on the church  The Ninety-five Theses 
20.Believers in adult baptism    
21. Family that controlled the government of Florence during the Renaissance   
22.Meetings that reaffirmed Catholic teachings    The Council of Trent
23.  The term Renaissance refers to the period from about
a. AD 550 to AD 1050     b. AD 950 to AD1550
c. AD 550 to AD 1300    d.
AD 1350 to AD 1600

24. According to the doctrine of Predestination,
God determined the fate for every person
b. Salvation can be achieved through faith alone
c. Salvation can be achieved through good works
d. Political rulers had to obey the papal authority

25.  All of the following are the Low Countries except
a. Belgium   b. The Netherlands  c.
England   d. Luxembourg

26. Martin Luther criticized the sale of
certificates of indulgence     b. printed texts  
c. freedom of serfs          d. Catholic Church land

27.  Europe in the 1500s can roughly described as being divided between
a. a Protestant East and a Catholic West
b. a Protestant West and a Catholic East
a Protestant North and a Catholic South
d. a Protestant South and a Catholic North

28. Martin Luther wrote the
Ninety-five Theses
b. Eighty-nine declarations
c. Ninety-eight Theses
d. The Bible

29. Humanism was a movement that
a. stressed the return to Humanity
stressed the return to classical writings of Ancient Rome and Greece
c. Called for the return of the Roman Republic
d. Stressed community

30.  Which of the following is the best reason for Henry VIII's break from the Catholic Church?
a. He believed the church was corrupt
b. He beat up the Pope
c. He wanted a divorce because he hated his wife
He wanted a divorce and the power to control the Church and the People of England

31. Anabaptists are associated with which of the following rituals
a. Infant Baptism
Adult Baptism
c. Communion
d. Marriage

32. The Black Death effected Europe by
a. Killling 25-50% of the people in some parts of Europe
b. Making people question the Catholic church
c. Convinced people to look at classical literature for the answers
All of the above

33. One function of craft guilds was to
a. encourage competition among workers
set quality standards
c. organize workers to strike
d. keep women out of the workforce

34. Paintings and sculptures of the renaissance were more
a. abstract
c. Chinese-like
d. Simple

35. Luther taught that
a. the clergy should remain celibate
b. good works, not faith alone, bring salvation
c. the sacraments promoted the gospel
all people should read and understand the Bible for themselves

36. The Anabaptists believed that
church and state should be separate
b. children should be baptized
c. church and state should be unified
d. ministers should be appointed by Martin Luther

37.  ___________ was the first Protestant faith.
a. Calvinism
b. Zoroastrianism
c. Christian humanism

38.  The Great Schism resulted from a conflict between
a. Protestants and Catholics
b. England and France
The Catholic Church and European Kings
d. Russia and the Holy Roman Empire

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