Auxiliary Ships:

Advance Runabout:
Delta Flyer - Intervision (Used only by the CO or with special permission; max crew 8)
Repulse Class - Interceptor (max crew 25)
Warhammer - Intermission (max crew 10)
Valkyrie Class: Quantum (max crew 1)
Valkyrie Class: Streamline (max crew 1)
Eagle Class: Sonic (max crew 1)
Eagle Class: Sound (max crew 1)
Redemption Class: Barrier (max crew 2)
Type 11 Shuttle: ARGO (Ground Transport Vehicle) (max crew 10)
Type 11 Shuttle: Omega   (max crew 10)
Type 11 Shuttle: Omicron (max crew 10)
Type 11 Shuttle: Crimson (max crew 10)
Alert Modes:
Battle stations: The crew is armed and all defensive and offensive systems are brought online. The crew changes into battle dress uniform and waits for orders from the command staff.
Red Alert: An acual emergency arises that could be dangerous to the ship and crew, and action is needed
to be taken.
Yellow Alert: Moderate chance of danger to the ship and crew
Green Alert: All systems function as normal.
Blue Alert: Used during ship seperation. Blue alert can be used with Battlestations or Red Alert or Green Alert.
Code GREY: Prepare for emergency planetary re-entry
Whenever a Red Alert, or a Battlestations is initiated, backup bridge crews will be report to the battle bridges.

Battle Dress Uniform - All black with the department shirt showing at the top. Used during special missions and when the ship is called
to battle stations. It comes with a black comm. badge, black combat boots, and a black starfleet shirt. The comm. badge has the rank built into it. For example if you are a commander, the comm. badge will be attached to a plate with 3 gray pips on it. A black phaser and phaser
rifle may be provided in some cases.
Service Dress Whites: White starfleet uniform used for special occasions. Comes with silver comm. badge and the department color is in a line on the color and sleeves. The pants are black and is worn with black shoes. The commanding officer of a ship wears a white vest under the shirt and the other officers wear grey.
Duty Uniform: A black and grey vest over top of the department shirt with a silver and gold comm. badge. The pips are placed on the right collar.
There are black pants and is worn with black combat boots.

Fighter Formation:
Standard Bombing Formation (SBF): The fighers go in this order from left to right, or right to left, they are perfectly balanced.

Eagle Class, Valkyrie Class, Redemption Class, Valkyrie Class, Eagle Class.

Ships Company: All runabouts, advanced runabouts, fighters and shuttles are used in this. In an emergency situation where the ship is unable to defend itself, this formation is initiated, the fighters, runabouts, and shuttles, surround the area the ship is in with a distance of 2 million KM to extend the ships sensor range so in the event of an enemy sneaking up on the ship when it can't defend itself, it will atleast know early.


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