Good, so you are atleast thinking about joining the USS Hades. I'm glad you came this far. Fill out the form below. A spell check wouldn't hurt. Thanks for your interest.-Lt. Commander Davis Re'vor

Make sure you do your best when you apply especially on your bio and service record. This stuff really counts toward your rank.-Lt. Commander Russell Gilmore


Real Name:
Real Age:
Character Name:
Character Age:
Character DOB:
Place of Birth:
Species (not an enemy of the Federation such as: Borg, Jem'Hadar, Vorta, Q, That sorta Thing):
1st Choice Position:
2nd Choice Position:
Character Bio: (remember your rank depends on this)
Sample Post: Rpley to this situation as you would in a real post. "You are off duty and in the lounge full of civilians. You are the only starfleet officer there and a barfight breaks out." (remember your rank depends on this also)
Character Service Record Up to Present Year (2378):
Past RPG experiance:
Have you attended Bravofleet Academy?

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