Service Jacket:

Lt. Junior Grade Tyler Quins

Character Name: Tyler Quins
Age: 32
Birthday: October 18, 2349
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Washington State, USA


Attended Starfleet Academy 2360 to 2364 

Assigned to Intrepid class USS Tokyo as a security officer 2364 to 2368

Assigned to Deep Space 9 as a security officer 2368 to 2371 

Assigned to Sovereign class USS Republic as a security officer section head 2372-2380


Tyler was born into Starfleet you might say, his parents were both Starfleet officers assign to ships of the fleet. Both of Tyler's parents died in action against the Dominion. Tyler happened to visiting his paternal grandfather at the time in the mountains of Washington. Upon learning of his parents' deaths Tyler asked his grandfather to take him in. Having spent the better part of his teenage years in the woods and mountains of Washington produced a boy used to working hard and only relying on himself. The Starfleet Academy almost ended Tyler's hopes of following in his parents foot steps. The regimented style of the academy combined with Tyler's general disregard for the rules landed him in trouble many times through out his first two years there. One of the senior officers at the academy realized that Tyler wasn't trying to buck the system, he just didn't know he had to work in the system, took Tyler under his wing and mentored him through the rest of the academy. With a new found outlook Tyler was able to graduate in the middle of his class without much more trouble. Though a book learner Tyler is not, put an object physically in front of him and Tyler will strive to learn all about it. Tyler spent the first few years of his Starfleet career moving from ship to ship as a security/tactical officer. In his spare time he managed to become a rather skilled pilot, even though he is not official rated.

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