Service Jacket:

Lt. Commander Russell Gilmore

Character Name: Russell Gilmore
Age: 403
Birthday: December 30, 1975
Race: Human
Gender: Male

Height: 5' 11''
Weight: 175 LBS
Birthplace: Farm Valley, SD

Skills: Science and Command


Joined Starfleet Academy---2363
Graduated Starfleet Academy---2367
Posted as Science Officer, USS Montana---2367 to 2370
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Endeavor---2370 to 2374
Promotion to Lieutanant JG ---2374
USS Endeavor Participates In Dominion War---2374 to 2376
Promotion to Lieutenant---2376
Executive Officer, USS Endeavor---2376 to Present


Starfleet Academy - San Francisco Campus

Starfleet Science Training School - Luna Campus


Collector of Knives, Weapons
Has a 1-year-old beagle named "Max"
Ancient Earth Transportation
Ancient Earth Computers

Russell was born an only child to Maurika and Edward Harrison December 30, 1975.He grew up just like any other child in rural South Dakota. He attended school and was always a very bright student and loved to study and learn about space. He used to spend hours on the roof of his parents house just staring up at the
stars with his father's telescope. He always dreamed of traveling the stars, but reality set in, and he realized that was just not possible at the time. He continued to be a very good student throughout high school. He graduated in 1993, 3rd in his high school class, and quickly headed off to college to study and begin a career in Mechanical Engineering. After a few months in college, he was having trouble breathing and was experiencing enormous stomach pains. He quickly made his way to the ER, and a few hours later he was diagnosed with an unknown and rare type of cancer. The doctors were certain in time they could
develop a cure, just as they did for certain types of cancer a few years
earlier. But time was not on Russell's side. Doctors said that he had a few weeks or maybe a month to live. Russell wasn’t satisfied with just sitting and waiting to die, so Russell and his parents visited a newly founded company called Stasis-Corp, who would put you in cryogenic stasis until a cure could be found for your disease. After careful consideration, Russell decided that this was the only other choice, aside from dying. On November 13, 1994, Russell was put into cryogenic stasis. In the few years after Russell was put in stasis, the
cure for the disease had been put on hold since it was so rare, and researchers were devoting more of their time to developing an AIDS cure that was on the horizon. In 1996, the Eugenics War began and many of these "Cryogenic Companies" were fearful of their frozen patients lives, so they sent them (while is stasis)
into space onboard a earth orbiting ship that could be brought back by remote control. Russell's frozen body was placed aboard (along with 20 others) a orbit ship. But during the orbit procedure, something happened in the navigation controls, and the ship began to drift away from earth...for the next 375 years.
In 2361, the Federation starship Sitak spotted a strange vessel in low orbit of the uninhabited planet, Rokarus 3.
When the crew beamed aboard the vessel, they found that only three of the original 20 Cyro-tubes were still operational. They quickly revived the three people, and luckily, Russ was one of them. They easily cured his disease, and Russell was as good as new with a basic "Second Chance" in a new century. At first, Russell was so busy answering people's questions and learning new things that he had little time to think about his future. But in 2363, after months of consideration, Russell decided to go to Starfleet Academy. He excelled there
also, but was kind of looked upon as an outcast because of his age. Russell didn't really care because he was there for one reason: To acquire the knowledge needed to explore space and defend the Federation. He graduated in 2367 with emphasis on Command and Science. He could barely control his excitement after
being informed that he would serve as Science Officer aboard the USS Montana.
Finally...his dream had come true. He served aboard the Montana for 3 years before being transferred to the USS Endeavor as Chief Flight Control Officer. In 2374, with the rank of LT Junior Grade. For the next 2 and half years, he continued to serve as CFCO until the Endeavor's Executive Officer was killed during a fight with a Dominion Attack Cruiser. Commander Castillo (CO) named
Russell his new Executive Officer with the rank of Lieutenant. Russ
has served as XO aboard the Endeavor until the current date, where the Endeavor is being de-commissioned and Russell is awaiting his next posting.


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