Pictures of The Den

Say Cheese!

Old Den
The Old Den

Den babes
Babes in the Den

New Den
The Den Today

View Two
Another View

The Den

           Roger , the benevolent patron of the Survivor 2000 crew, is now retired from the Canadian military after a long and distinguished career.  As a result, he has a lot of time on his hands.  Living on the beach, he has an ample supply of driftwood.  Put these two factors together, along with Roger's superior carpentry skills, and you get... The Den.

            Built on the sand dunes overlooking The Beach, The Den is an amazing structure.  At first glance, it seems simple enough; two chairs and a bench, all constructed from driftwood gathered from The Beach.  What one fails to realize, however, is that The Den is also, as Roger calls it, "the largest television set ever built."  If you look directly ahead, you get the Nature Channel; beach and bay as far as you can see.  When the neighbours play guitar, you get Country Music Television.  And when the women from the Survivor 2002 crew are sunning themselves or swimming, you have Baywatch. 

            The construction of The Den is what led Shawn to quip, "Hey Andre, your dad makes Rudy look like a big fat wuss."  In the big winter storm of 2000, most of The Den was washed away.  At first, it looked as though all was lost.  But a little way down The Beach, the two chairs were found lashed together with rope that Roger had placed across the front of The Den.  Now, the Den has been rebuilt and is larger and better than ever. It's now more of a porch than a den, fenced off by white lattice and with a nicer floor. The stairs to the beach have been improved, and there's a stove off to the side; one more thing for all of us to burn.

            Feel free to click on the thumbnails to the side for larger pictures of The Den.
Master at rest    See ya!
The architect enjoys his handywork            See you in the Den!

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