
Teacher's resources

What if .....?

Part 2

Cut out these flash card, and use them to practice Conditionals Type II.

If you could ask God any one question,

what would it be?

If you could be another person for a day,

who would you be?

If you could be invisible for a a day,

what would you do and why?

If you could change on thing about your spouse,

or significant other, what would it be?

If you could change one thing about the world,

what would it be?

If you could commit any crime and get away

with it, what would you do?

If you could have only one food for the rest of

your life (assuming that this strange diet would not

affect your health), which food would you choose?

If you could speak any other foreign language

(besides English), which language would you like to speak?

If you could spend a day with any

celebrity, who would it be and what

questions would you ask that person?

If you could take a vacation anywhere in the

world for any lenght of time, where would

you go?

If you found a suitcase full of $1,000,000, what

would you do?

If you had 25-hour days (while everyone

else continued to have 24-hour days),

what would you do with the extra time?

If you found a wallet with $1,000 in it,

what would you do?

If you had to choose between a wonderful romantic

relationship that would end after only one year, or a

so-so relationship that would last your entire life,

which one would you choose?

If you had to choose, would you give up

your sight or you hearing?

If you received lottery tickets as a gift at your

office party, and you won $30,000,

would you share the winnings with the person

that gave you the gift?

If you saw a robbery, would you report it? If you saw your zipper was down and

people had noticed, what would you do?

If you were a candy, what candy

would you be?

If you were a monster, what monster would

you be?

If you were a toy, what toy would you be?
If you were abducted by aliens, would you

tell anybody? Why or why not?

If you were asked to choose which time you would

like to live in, which century would you choose?

If you were asked to speak to a graduating

class, what would you say?

If you were given a chance to go to the moon,

would you go?

Why or why not?

If you were given a choice between being given

great wisdom, or great wealth, which would you


If you were given an opportunity to be

born again, in which country would

you like to be born?

If you were given an opportunity to be born

again, what kind of person would you

choose to be?

If you were going to a deserted island and could

take only 3 things with you, what would you take

and why?

If you were the President, what problem

or concern would you work on first?

If you were told that you were going to die

tomorrow, what would you do today?

If you woke up suddenly because your house was

on fire, which 3 things would you save as you

ran outside?

If you worked for a store and you saw

another employee steal something,

would you tell the manager?

You were told you had a terminal illness and

had 6 months to live. What 3 things would

be most important for you to do?

Your doctor has just told you that you have 1 month

to live. What would you do in that amount of time?

What would you do if you could live


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