Magic: The Gathering


Magic: The Gathering- one of the most famous collectible card games around the world... AND YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT?! HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW?! Ok, Ok, maybe not all of you may be interested in such things. But I think it's one of the coolest games ever! So if you have totally no interest and have a lack of attention span, leave this site now...


Now, for you people who want to learn how to play, listen up. I am going to tell you briefly on some background info..


Once a dragon shifts its tail

Mountains burst with Shivan- killing all frail

A centaur uses its might arms, bringing light

To forests everywhere that are in plain sight

A tentacle lifts up the staff of wish

Bringing islands- sea going swish!

Holy spirits and angels so fair

Masters of life- growing plains here and there!

Darkness does its evil job

To move dead to swamps- quite a sob

And now that the new world has been born

What will rule all? Fair or scorn?


That poem you just read was the introductory poem to the world of Magic: the Gathering. The whole story is on how the 5 elemental classes of life live in their world, and how they try to conquer the ultimate orb of life which grants any wish, the Mirari. This card game is all based on a story, which there are actual novels of. And now, on to the fun stuff!!


Lesson 1- Basic Rules

Lesson 2- Getting to know the cards

Lesson 3- The Final Lesson


Any Magic card image, concept, rules, and writing are all The Wizards of the Coast®'s property.

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