Lesson 3- Final Lesson

If you have studied Lessons 1 and 2 well, this should be a piece of cake! I shall show you the flow of a game of Magic: The Gathering.

Part One- The Flow of the Game


-Both players shuffle decks and pick up 7 cards

-Lives are set (20)

-First player is decided

First turn of player 1

-Puts down mana (if they wish to)

-Puts down an artifact/ enchantment/ instant/ creature, etc. (if they can)

-End of turn (if they have 7 or more cards at the end of their turn, they must throw away 1 card to satisfy the total of 6 or less cards)

First turn of player 2


-Puts down mana (if they wish to)

-Puts down an artifact/ enchantment/ instant/ creature, etc.

-End of turn (again, if the player has 7 or more cards, they must throw away cards until the total is 6 or less.)

And then, the game goes on, rotating the same way. So after player 2 finishes their turn, "First turn of player 1" re-occurs, except player 1 DOES pick up a card at the beginning of their turn.

Part Two- On Purchasing Magic: The Gathering Cards

There are two points I want to point out. First, the best place to purchase is wizards.com's online store. Sadly, however, it does not ship to Korea, or anywhere near here. Amazon.com (I researched) only has the 7th edition box set, and an Odyssey box set, which is sold out... It's not bad, but I don't really think you'll get much out of Magic: The Gathering that way... Try looking in other places, cause they're the only places I know.

Secondly, and the last point I'll make, is about the rarity of the cards. As you probably have noticed from Lesson Two, some of them have symbols on their middle right corner:

Let's take this for instance. Grizzly Bears has a little black "7". There are two important notices on it:

1. It means it's from the 7th Edition.

The Wizards of the Coast have made many editions, improving with more abilities. The 7th is the latest, but the Wizards of the Coast are soon going to release the 8th edition. Anyways, in each edition, there are a few other packs. For instance, 7th edition has: Apocalypse, Odyssey, Torment, and Judgment. They all have different logos, and have different cards.

2. The rarity.

How rare is the card? In one 15-card pack, it comes with 1 rare card (gold logo), 2~4 uncommon cards (silver logo), and the rest common cards (black logo).

The Grizzly Bear above is a "common" card, because the "7" shows that it is black, meaning that it is common. Let's take a look at an uncommon card:

As outlined in red, Ghitu Fire-Eater is a SILVER "7", meaning that it is uncommon. Uncommon cards are basically a bit rarer then common cards, and has a bit of better effects.

Finally, Teferi's Puzzle Box has a GOLDEN "7". This is a rare, and 15-card packs only have 1 in each of them.

One more thing before we close the session: there are 3 types of buyable card sets:

-A normal (and mostly bought) 15-card pack, as explained above, it comes with 1 rare card, 2~4 uncommon cards, and the rest common cards.

-A pre-constructed deck set, has exactly 60 cards, and a holographic mana (which is quite pointless, if you ask me). It has a few of rares, uncommons, and commons. Has this and that, sorceries and artifacts. It is good to buy these if you are starting to learn how to play Magic.

(Finally)-A gift set: these come with two decks, which are pre-constructed of course. They are for total beginners who don't even know what Magic: The Gathering is.

Lesson Overview

-Flow of a Magic: The Gathering game

-Recognition of rarity and origin pack of a card

-Different types of purchasable card sets

That is the last session of Magic. Thank you for bearing with me this far. I hope that it wasn't too hard.. If you want to try out Magic, go get some cards now!! Thank you again!

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