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Frequently while some men toss out compliments like they,re
business cards at a Rotary convention, others are so frugal with
compliments that the woman ends up feeling unappreciated. If you
fall into the first category, check out the two recommendations
above. If you're in the latter category, you might want to try
praising your partner a little more often. Compliments that come
freely and more frequently make us feel appreciated and loved.

Unexpectedly If you find your partner fishing for compliments, it may
be that you could improve on your complimenting skills. One tip is to
offer compliments and praise when she isn't expecting them as a sign
of your love and appreciation for her and all she does for you. Some
women say that the only time they get compliments is when they ask
for them, or when their husbands want sex. So they are suspicious of
all unsolicited compliments. How sad is that? Let your partner know
how much you love and appreciate her, and shell appreciate your

Intelligently one of the greatest compliments you can give a woman
is to appreciate her mind/soul/intellect. Its far easier to hand out
compliments about physical attributes her appearance, her outfit,
her haircut, etc. than it is to compliment her intelligence. Next time
you have the chance to tell your partner how much you appreciate
her for something non-cosmetic, do so. Tell her how impressed you
are with her handling of a difficult situation, or her patience in a
stressful area, or her creativity in resolving an issue. Tell her how
you appreciate the decisions she made on specific issues. Let her
share her day and her accomplishments with you, and listen to the
many choices, decisions and frustrations she faced. Appreciating her
intellect, her giving nature, her negotiation skills, etc. Can help her
recognize that not only are you really listening to her, but that you
appreciate her as a person, as well.

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