keys 4 men' Some ADVICE
  GOING  OUT...                                                         MAXENE.P.A
going out with a women
                    your first date
How To Act

Chivalry is not dead. Forget all the PC garbage; women love all the
old-timegestures of courtesy. The majority of women will want you to open
their doors, pull out their chairs, offer your coat, and let them go
first. By far, women want a gentleman these types of behaviors will
display that you have class, good breeding, respect, and that you
were raised right by your parents.

Money Matters

I cannot stress this enough; you must pay for all the evening
activities. I know that this may make women seem petty and selfish,
but secretly every woman expects the man to pay on the first date.
Unfair though it may seem this is tradition; donT be a rebel. The
woman will most likely attempt to pay for a check. Gently refute this
by jokingly saying, &quot;You can get it next time.&quot; If you really like this
woman, chances are you will have a second, third, and fourth date.
Very soon she will return the favor.

by. Maxene Fouchard
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