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Corbett National Park
It is one of the best and famous wildlife parks. One can have plenty of activities here i.e. elephant safari, angling outside park with permission, river rafting at Kosi and Ramganga rivers, trek through the wild, bird watching and if lucky a chance encounter with tiger.

Hotel Accommodation

Claridges Hideaway, Infinity Resorts, Forest Rest House at Dhikala Corbett Ramganga Resort etc.

Photohraph 2004 © copyright  
Mr Naveen Bahuguna   

Rajaji National Park
With an area of 820 sq. km., there are 23 species of mammals, 315 species of birds, largest variety of pythons, herd of elephants. There are options of elephant ride, trek, and machan view (on top of tree to have a closer look of wildlife).

Hotel Accommodation:

Forest Rest House, GMVN Rest House etc. Chilla is only 9 kms. from Haridwar and hence one can stay at Haridwar and visit the National Park. The Hotels in Haridwar are Hotel Sachin, Le Grand, Promila, Gurudev etc.

TigerRanthambhor National Park
This is Rajasthan's most well known tiger reserve under Project Tiger. Home of an expensive variety of other animals in its 392 sq. km., one can spot sambhar, cheetal, wild boar, leopard, sloth bear, jackal, hyena among others. Artificial lakes, dense forests, and the shield of Aravalli have helped to make this park very impressive and interesting. Best time to visit is Oct to April.

Hotel Accommodation:
Vanyavilas, Sher Bagh, Tiger Den, Castle Jhoomar Baori, Sawai Madhopur Lodge etc.
Sariska Tiger Reserve
This is another tiger land which was brought under Project Tiger in 1979. The undulating terrain makes it difficult to spot tigers. Morning and evening are the best time to spot the wild animal. Other than leopard, sambhar, nilgai, wild dog and cinkara, the ruins of 9th and 10th century temples exist here. Best time to visit is November to June.

Hotel Accommodation: Sariska Palace, Tiger Den, Hotel Arravalli, Hotel Alwar, Hotel Meenal, Lake Palace etc.

Photohraph 2004 © copyright  
Mr Naveen Bahuguna  
Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary
Once the hunting ground of Maharaja of Bharatpur, the 29 sq. km. Keoladeo was later converted into a bird sanctuary and now ranks amongst the most visited in India. Proximity to Golden triangle (Delhi-Jaipur-Agra) also helped it to popularize amongst the foreigners. Early morning and evening are the best for watching birdlife, exquisite birdsong, spectacular water birds etc. Dr. Salim Ali_s book on Birds of Bharatpur and binoculars are helpful in this place. 
Hotel Accommodation: Laxmi Vilas Palace, Bharatpur Forest Lodge, The Birders Inn, Hotel Saras, Hotel Sunbird etc.

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