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Ball Grave of the Fireflies Ball

World War II is a terrible time for the civilians in any country involved. Japan is far from the exception. Seita learns this the hard way and must carry the responsibility of protecting his little sister, Setsuko, from air raids as well as hunger. However, the worst danger he faces comes from losing hope for tomorrow. This Studio Ghibli tragedy treasures the small, yet beautiful things in life.
Plot: Animation:
Advisory Rating: PG
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Setsuko & Seita
honourable mention:
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

This post-apocalyptic world shows the scars of war through the radical changes of the ecosystem. Giant mutant insects rule the land and the air as man scrambles to preserve what arable land remains. The Valley of the Wind is one of these remaining lands but it is caught in the middle of a territorial battle between two neighboring powers. It is up to princess Nausicaa to protect her kingdom and the new environment from the ravages of man. This film is Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli's first production which took the anime world by storm.
Plot: Animation:
Advisory Rating: PG
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Last updated Thur Oct 2, 1997
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