Nausicaärs Trophy
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Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the name Nausicaärs come from?

Nausicaä The name originates from one of the defining works of anime called Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind by Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli. I thought it would be appropriate to recognize this excellent film and its lead character by naming this awards site in their honour. For more information on this film, check out the info-rich pages that the people at have prepared.

Secondly, this site was formerly called the Anime Oscars to draw on the concepts of excellence in film making that comes with the name Oscars. The additional "r" in "Nausicaärs" was added to provide a link to that name and those concepts. I hope that this name will encourage choosing films that are not just popular, but have really excelled in the development of character, images and plot.

How do you pronounce "Nausicaärs" ?

The Japanese equivalent would be pronounced [Na•oo•shi•kars] while the correct English pronunciation would be [Nau•sik•ars].

What is the purpose of giving out these awards?

These awards try to sift the gems from the stones. They have the dual purpose of recognizing excellence in anime and educating newer fans about the abundance of quality films available. For most anime fans in North America, tapes are quite expensive and hard to find. I hope that the results of this page can help individuals and clubs make good purchasing decisions and expand their view on the variety of films available.

Why are you doing this? Is someone paying you?

Heal Nope, I do not have any sponsors, but if someone is willing....? The reason I am doing this is to set up a page on one of my favorite topics, ANIME, and I want it to be different and useful. Being a movie buff, the Oscars idea came to me quickly. I am also quite picky about the movies I watch so if I sit for two hours to see this thing, it better have been thought provoking. This site helps me find the good titles that I have yet to see. It is also a fun way to make a presence on the web. However, counting 300 ballots by hand...

Who is the Academy of Anime and Motion Pictures?

The Academy is made up of anyone who submits a nomination or vote in this site. However, registered members will recieve e-mails to notify them of updates including transitions to the next stage in deciding this year's Anime Nausicaärs.

How does an anime title or character win a Nausicaär?

First, the title or character must get nominated by someone. Others can support its nomination and if the title or character is one of the top four or five in its category, it gets placed on a voting ballot for the academy members to vote on again. The title or character recieving the most votes at the end of the voting session wins the award.

Why isn't (title/character) on the voting ballot?

Escape I was asked this question quite often in the last year and the answer is quite simple. The anime title or character in question did not recieve enough nominations. So, if you want a name to appear on the voting ballot, tell your friends to nominate it as well. I would prefer it if you did not submit too many ballots yourself. Each member of the Academy should have equal voting and nomination status.

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