Big Brother: Harry Potter Style
Warnings:  abuse of HP characters, little resemblance to BB, "Hints of Slash,"

Day 3, Friday

The morning shower routine is still a bit tricky.  With nine guys and six showers, there's always a line at 830, as Harry finds out today.
Harry(wrapped in towel, loitering about in front of a mirror): HEY!  Someone hurry up!
Black(from a shower): BRUSH YOUR TEETH!
Harry(rolls eyes): Already did!
(Harry hears a shower turned off. Voldemort walks out from a stall in huge black towel that covers him completely save the head; Harry glares)
Harry: You don't need to shower!!!
Voldemort:  It's a good thing you aren't trying to set up a new world regime, Potter- personal hygiene would go to the dogs! 
Harry: What!
Voldemort(condescendingly): Civilization as we know it would be completely gone.  (sweeps out majestically)
Black: No temper tantrums at this hour!
Ron(from shower): HEY!!
(Meanwhile Lupin wanders in, yawning)
Lupin: oh good, a shower. (takes the empty one)
Harry: WAIT! agh..

Meanwhile, Tonks is singing in one of the ladies' showers.
Tonks: WATERLOO - Couldn't escape if I wanted to!!
Hermione(brushing teeth at a mirror):  er...  Tonks?
Tonks: WATERLOO - Knowing my fate is to be with you!
(Umbridge comes out of the end shower wrapped in a large pink towel):  Hermione, hem - I wanted to speak with you yesterday.
Hermione: yes ? (tries not to look directly at the pink blob)
Umbridge:  I think we need to have a little talk about bathroom etiquette.
Hermione: What's the matter?
Tonks: WATERLOO - finally facing my WATERLOO!!
Hermione: TONKS!
Umbridge: I don't think she can hear you over the shower.
Hermione: Over her own singing!
Umbridge: - hem!  Anyway - I think we need to discuss in particular the issue of .. (she looks imperiously at the sink) toothpaste waste.
Hermione: Toothpaste??
Umbridge: You can't leave excess toothpaste in the sink.  It sticks to the sink walls and becomes quite nasty! (points a flabby white arm at sink)
Hermione: I didn't do it!
Tonks:  So how could I ever refuse - I feel like I win when I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE!!
Umbridge(goes over to Tonks' stall and bangs her fist on it): WILL YOU PLEASE REFRAIN FROM CONCERTIZING, NYMPHADORA?
Hermione(chuckles): Now's a good time to make my timely exit (sneaks out)

Downstairs, Hermione finds Dumbledore removing a teapot from the stove, as Voldemort sits expectantly at the kitchen table.
Hermione: Morning!
Dumbeldore(smiles):  Hello, Hermione. Glad to see you up and out before 9.. I feel sorry for those who forget the simple maxim "the early bird gets the worm."
Voldemort:  Oh, go on - deep down you are an old curmudgeon who hates children and candy, Albus. 
Dumbledore:  My "Inner Dark Lord," if you will.
Voldemort: Indeed.
(Hermione isn't quite sure how to react to this banter; luckily she doesn't have to say anything.  Lucius and Draco Malfoy make their grand appearance instead.)
Lucius: Ah, Albus Dumbledore is cooking... Intriguing.
Dumbledore:  No, no - Just making tea before they take over the stove.
Draco(sits delicately next to Hermione):  You're a mu...(thinks better of this) You've lived with muggles.  Do you know anything about hair care products?
Hermione(the air of nerdy superiority):  I don't use hair care products.
Draco(long ponderous stare directed at her head): ........... I should definitely invest in some then.
Hermione(red-faced): I Was Going To Say that I once used Sleekeazy's Hair Potion - but that's (Draco chimes in at same time) - a potion.
Draco: Yes, I know - I have used it once or twice myself.
(Enter Ron and Sirius Black.  Ron immediately sits next to Hermione)
Ron: What are you talking about?
Hermione: Hair potions.
Ron: With HIM?
Draco:  Obviously not your cup of tea, Weasley - not that you could afford any of them anyway..
Black: Where is everyone this fine morning?
Dumbledore:  Sleeping in?
Ron: Everyone was in the showers at once!
Black:  Hmm, that's not a good sign, is it?
Hermione: I'm not sure what you mean by that, Sirius, but I hope it's not what I think you mean.
Black:  Oh, hah -Hermione's here too!  Don't worry - I'm not sure what I meant by that either. (winks then turns attention back to Dumbledore; Hermione is completely lost and remains so throughout breakfast.)

Things slowly begin to settle in the household.  The afternoon goes by smoothly, but there's a bit of a row over the last chair on the back porch.  There are three comfortable wicker rocking chairs, and a small table before them.  Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape are already lounging in the first two chairs drinking and discussing something esoteric.. the third chair lies tantalizingly unclaimed..
Lucius:  Draco tells me it's a complete waste of time.
Snape:  With that woman teaching it? - it must necessarily be, although I haven't investigated myself...
Lucius:  Well, I gave him our family volume of Trithemius; I said "Let the old master teach you divination."
Snape: Which Trithemius?
Lucius: The Secret Writing.
Snape: hm - good.  In English?
Lucius:  No. In Latin, of course - I don't know of any translations.
(enter (thankfully) Tonks;  the other two eye her suspiciously)
Tonks:  Wotcher, gentlemen. (sees the bottle of alcohol on the table)  Ohh, what's this?
Lucius(lazily):  Don't touch that.
Tonks(picks it up):  Vodka.  This is muggle alcohol!
Snape:  We're not allowed magic - what do you expect?
Tonks: well - Is it any good?
Lucius: Tolerable.
(Enter Lupin, followed shortly thereafter by Umbridge)
Lupin:  I thought there'd be a gathering out here for the sunset.
Snape:  Speaking of sunsets.. (raises an eyebrow in the direction of Lupin)
Lupin:  heh - ' haven't quite figured that out yet.  Big Brother hasn't said anything at least-
Lucius:  Merlin knows they want us all dead. 
Tonks(reassuringly):  I'm sure we'll find a way to work it out.
Snape: We'd better.
Umbridge(closes porch door clumsily as she comes out): ah - what a fine.... large group of people here!
Tonks(suspiciously): Weren't you expecting any?
Umbridge: I didn't notice there were three chairs earlier.  I thought just two!
Lupin(looking strategically into the yard):  Well - there's one left.  Someone can sit.
Umbridge: how gallant of you offering chairs to the ladies-
Tonks: -I'll sit!
Umbridge:  hem! - don't you think you'd better defer in this case?
Tonks:  To .......?
Umbridge: I think that's perfectly clear.
Snape(to Malfoy): What we were talking about?
Lucius:  .. Vodka?
Lupin(turns around, grins): Are you two drunk?
Snape:  Potions Masters never get drunk.
Lucius: ahem.. (chuckles)
Snape(glances at him darkly): At least not on cheap muggle alcohol.
(Meanwhile Tonks has physically sat in the chair, but Umbridge won't have it, and rocks the chair back and forth in a threatening manner)
Tonks: HEY! (grabs onto the wicker arms)
Umbridge:  The young should defer to the -
Tonks: -Old and Infirm!?
Umbridge:  MATURE!
Tonks: I was out here first - I don't see you trying to uproot one of these two (gestures towards Snape and Malfoy)
Umbridge:  You are the youngest here! Now - I'm afraid you're just going to have to move! (they get into another struggle as Umbridge attempts to pull Tonks out of the chair - it's quite the match since Umbridge, while "old and infirm," has more brute strength than the iron-willed Tonks.)
Tonks: This is about my SINGING - isn't it?
Umbridge: I don't think we should bring that up right now!!! (tugs at her foot)
(The three men sit/stand by watching in mobid amusement)
Lucius:  Droll entertainment, eh, Severus?
Snape:  Pass that cheap muggle alcohol.
Lupin:  Well, looks like you two are so popular the women are fighting over the last chair next to you.  For my part.. perhaps I have seen more sunsets than I need to.  I'll go find the Scrabble game.  (exit)
Snape:  He's dangerous already and there are still two weeks to full moon.
Tonks:  OWWWW!  That's my HAIR!
Umbridge(girly, high-pitched voice):  Oh was it?? I thought it was part of the upholstery it's such an awful shade of purple!
Lucius:  Let's abscond with the cheap muggle alcohol, shall we?
Snape:  hm, yes. (they leave, and the others continue to fight for a good two minutes before they realize they have cleared the porch)
Umbridge: Hem!  No one's here!
Tonks: You scared them off!
Umbridge(sits - collapses rather - in an empty chair):  I should say, Nyphmadora, such displays of unruly behavior are no way to make friends!
Tonks(rolls eyes and sighs):  Did they take the alcohol?
Umbridge:  I'm afraid they did.
Tonks:  Damn.
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