Big Brother: Harry Potter Style
Day 27, Monday: a Special Didactic Episode.

1. Conflict.

Voldemort reaches the kitchen first this morning, and finds a strange cardboard roll on the table..
Voldemort:  Oh what is this - wrapping paper?? (opens it) A.... Terminator 2 poster?!! BIG BROTHER!!!
BigBrother:  That is your prize.
Voldemort: I hardly approve.  .. hm.. I'll give it to the kids, I suppose. (enter Draco)  Ah, morning, Draco - are you feeling better today?
Draco: Yes.. What's that?
Voldemort: A Terminator 2 poster.
Draco(raises eyebrow): .... what's that for?
Voldemort:  Decoration.  You can hang it above your bed.
Draco: I think Potter or Granger might prefer that.  Just get it out of my kitchen.
Voldemort: Draco....
Draco: I don't really think you look like a yeti.
Voldemort: That's reassuring, child - Actually, Professor Snape and I wanted to ask you something....
Draco:.... yes?
Voldemort(leans closer):  you see, we are both nominated, and wish to request veto power...
Draco:  You want me to request it?  (Voldemort nods) ..... what's in it for me?
Voldemort(eyes narrow):  Well, you should want to be on my good side... given how close your father is to me... wouldn't want me to take it out on him, would you?
Draco(sniffs indignantly):  I think you should try positive reinforcement.
Voldemort:  ... I'll tell you where the ice cream is.
Draco: Wh - where is it?
Voldemort:  Will you help us, or not?
Draco:  Yes..
Voldemort: .....Then it should be on the back porch, unless it was destroyed when the jacuzzi exploded yesterday.
(Draco runs out)

2. Absence of Conflict

With Pettigrew gone, the morning situation has returned to normal. Tonks and Hermione finish their showers early and are brushing their teeth in front of the mirror. Enter Lupin and Black.
Black: Good morning!
Tonks: Morning!
Hermione: hi guys
Lupin: good morning!
Hermione:  How are you guys feeling today?
Black:  Much better! back to normal! Ready to cause trouble once again!
Lupin: You caused enough trouble yesterday.
Hermione: You should have seen him in the tires- he was so helpless.
Tonks: I think Remus and I were pretty pathetic. Walked right into Albus's trap.
Black:  That whole game was pretty bad! 
Hermione: Well no more challenges for a week!

3.  Conflict Continued.

Having found the mini-fridge TO BE FUNCTIONING, Draco heads to the Diary Room with an ice cream sandwich.
Draco:  Big Brother??  (leans on chair)
BigBrother: NOW WHAT?!
Draco: It has been brought to my attention that .. some colleagues of mine have been nominated. (pouts)  and you know how hard this is on me now that my Father has been torn from me - I mean... first my father, now what - my head of house? my dear potions professor?  Or what - Lord Voldemort? Imagine what they'd do if he weren't around to intimidate them??  would you leave me all alone in a house full of muggle sympathizers? There's plotting and scheming going on - a vast conspiracy to destroy me!  And you know my fans don't appreciate that..
BigBrother: What do you want this time, Mr. Malfoy?
Draco:  Nothing drastic.. just... some way to veto.. since we're all so unfairly outnumbered, I don't see how you can support such injustices..
BigBrother;  What will you do in return for it?
Draco: I?  (pouts)... well, I suppose I can deliver a monologue expressing my True Thoughts and Feelings to the camera...?
BigBrother:  There will be a game.    TOMORROW, HOUSEMATES, YOU WILL HAVE A NEW CHALLENGE.
Draco(grins fiendishly): Thank you, Big Brother.  (grumbles to self)  They owe me....

4.  Absence of Conflict.
Harry: I love lemon drops.
Dumbledore:  As do we all, Harry.. as do we all..

5. Conflict!

Black(snarls):  You're BLUFFING....!
Snape(evenly):  ... I repeat... Dr. Black was murdered (special emphasis on these words) the Reverend Green in the Ballroom with the lead pipe.. Now are you going to disprove it or not?
Black: I can't and you know it!
Snape: Pity.  Miss Tonks?
Tonks: I can't either.
Snape: ... Lupin?
Lupin:  (shows him card) Just what you wanted to know.
Snape(slight frown): ... right.
Black: Fine - my turn, give me those dice...

6. Absence of Conflict Continued.

Draco(smiles cheerily):  Do you perchance have any sevens?
Hermione:  Yes, two in fact! Here you go. (hands them over pleasantly)
Draco:  But.... not any nines?
Hermione: So sorry!
Draco: That's quite all right.. I'm sure you'll wind up with mine before the game's over!

Black: I officially accuse Reverend Green in the kitchen with the lead pipe.  (pulls out cards - Lupin is grimacing, Snape sneering; Tonks waits anxiously.  He looks at the cards...incredulous pause.)
Snape: Little hasty there, Black?
Black: What?!  I was sure that was it-
Snape:  You never cleared the lead pipe.. you dear friend has it.
Black(slow turn):  ....Remus...
Lupin(defensively): Don't look at me! You never got around to it!
Black:  But - what - four turns ago - I had it down to kitchen, Plum and lead pipe
Lupin: So I showed you Plum!
Black: but  -- lead pipe came around to you before!
Lupin:  Well you should know by now that it's my strategy to avoid showing a card or two if can... (frowns at Snape)  of course, some people force you into it sometimes..
Black:  I thought you showed him Ballroom!
Lupin: He has the ballroom!
Black: Oh I forgot.. ah, there was my downfall!
Tonks: It's ok, guys - it's not the end of the world!
Snape:  Children bickering again...
Black: Oh quiet you.. You mislead me.
Tonks: Let's play again..
Black(at Snape):  No tricks this time....

8. Absence of Conflzzzzz....

Dumbledore:  What shall we have for dinner tonight?
Voldemort: Chicken salad.
Dumbledore: Excellent choice - I was thinking that myself.  Would you like to help cook?
Voldemort:  I'll send in Draco, how's that?
Dumbledore:  Wonderful.
Voldemort:  Oh - can we have biscuits too?  I do love biscuits -
Dumbledore: With the sweet cream butter?
Voldemort: mmmm!
Dumbledore:  Good plan!
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