BigBlackCole Email
Hello im BigBlackCole
I want to help people so send me some emails and i will see what i can do!
[email protected]


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Dear BigBlackCole,
I have This girl i know and i really like her, but i want her to like me.. I need to know how to do this please HELP!!!
Jeb smith

Well jeb smith you seem to have yourself quite a problem and i can help ya. First off you have to forget about this girl and find yourself a big man. If you want the best, go black. Then you rub him and you in Hott butter and let the love and 3rd degree burns fill your soul!
Hey im single drop me a private email *wink*
btw call me BBC

Dear bbc,
I am a loner so to say.. I am very beautiful girl and i am very fun but no one talks to me please help
plzzzz plzzzz
Sarah martinos.

Sarah please don't make me give you the big black smack. First off I would say im your friend, but any one who uses the word plz should choke on a meat cleaver. That "By accident" Got left in their soup. So go burn in hell for all i care.
good luck

Hey BBC what up dawg??,
Hows it going my man?
Im chillin with some of my guy friends and i want to make a move on one of them. How should i start
Linda bretner

Go After the biggest one there and tell him you own a big ol house filled with fish sticks. Then when he is all ready to eat some fish sticks (My favorite). Hit him over the head with a rubber dildoe. Make sure he is KO Then take him to Veges to marry the poor bastard. Then coat him in Hot sauce with a tad of oil make sure the hot sauce is a cool 360 degress. Then let the party go down.

Dear big black,
I got fired from my job for taking naps during work, i want to go back working there what do i do to the boss to get hired again?
Jason Bethberg

What you do is simple. A cube of butter and some old disco hits will do the trick. Then slow dance for 5min
and stir real fast...Then slowly force the butter down his throat. Kiss him softly then begin to beat the shit out of him with a pink dildoe. He should give in within 4 min. Then you got yourself a job and a law suite!!

Dear BBC,
I am really interested in a man by the name of bob hope he is so dang hot. I know you answerd a similar email like this but please help.
Steve Cook

Oh Hey steve, Your from nationsen so im happy to help! Steve if i remember correctly you and I Did have sex five times, and to be honest you don't know big men sex if it bit you in the penis.So what you need to do is read my book. And then you will know It all about big men!

My book(CliCK!)

"Why Love Big Men?"
[email protected]
Dear bbc,
I want to make a lot of money. But i have no talents.. How would I a 600 pound man make money?
Donald Rumsman

WOW You HAVE LOTS OF TALLENT. 600 pounds IS HOTT Infact i will pay you 100 bucks a night. Make IT 1000!! Anyway you should open a sex store and call it "Big men Big Sex" And sell your body along with 5 other guys body to anyone with the money. I did that in New york a while ago Read it in my book. EMAIL ME PLease I WANT A FACE PIC. You should come over as well. I am So excited oh and when your store opens sell my book!

[email protected]
Bigblack cole has nothing to do with cole Nicoles. He is a non profit group who loves big men!Drop him an email for an answer
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